Local flood risk management strategy
The local flood risk management strategy will be developed by the council to balance the needs of communities, the economy and the environment.
The responsibility for us to develop this strategy is set out in the Flood and Water Management Act 2010. As lead local flood authority we need to develop, maintain, apply and monitor a strategy for local flood risk management (local strategy).
The local flood risk management strategy will form the framework within which communities have a greater say in local risk management decisions. In combination with the National Flood Strategy (Welsh Government) the local strategies will encourage more effective risk management by enabling people, communities, business and the public sector to work together to:
- ensure a clear understanding of the risks of flooding and erosion, nationally and locally, so that investment in risk management can be prioritised more effectively
- set out clear and consistent plans for risk management so that communities and businesses can make informed decisions about the management of the residual risk
- encourage innovative management of flood risks, taking account of the needs of communities and the environment
- form links between the local flood risk management strategy and local spatial planning
- ensure that emergency plans and responses to flood incidents are effective and that communities are able to respond properly to flood warnings
- help communities to recover more quickly and effectively after incidents.
It will do this by acting as the evidence base for the decisions and actions required for managing flood risk. The local strategy and future plans and policies will be developed with communities to ensure a better understanding of local risk management, co-ordinated planning and sustainability. It will also emphasise the need to balance national and local activities and funding.
The local strategy will only deal with local flood risk which is defined in the act as being a flood risk from:
- surface runoff
- groundwater, and
- ordinary watercourses.
The City and County of Swansea has produced documents as required by the legislation:
- The local flood risk management strategy
- The strategic environmental assessment scoping report
- The strategic environmental assessment environment report
The next milestone for City and County of Swansea under its statutory duty is to develop the flood risk management plan by the end of 2015.
To view our Local Flood Risk Management Strategy, please download Local Flood Risk Management Strategy (PDF) [1MB]