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Finance and budget

Council Budget

These are the Council's budgets for the current and previous years.

Statement of accounts

The Statement of Accounts is the statutory summary of the council's financial affairs for the financial year and is prepared in accordance with the local government Accounting Code of Practice (ACOP).

National Fraud Initiative - Fair Processing notice

The City and County of Swansea is required by law to protect the public funds it administers. It may share information provided to it with other bodies responsible for auditing or administering public funds, in order to prevent and detect fraud.

Section 52 Budget Statement

Local Education Authorities (LEAs) are required, under Section 52 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998, to prepare a Budget Statement each financial year.

ERW statement of accounts and governance

The ERW final statement of accounts and their annual governance statement.

State aid

Details of schemes where the council has provided or may in the future provide support which would be covered by European State Aid Rules.


The term 'fraud' commonly includes activities such as theft, corruption, conspiracy, and bribery. Fraud is a criminal act or omission of deception intended for personal gain or to cause a loss to another person or organisation.

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Last modified on 19 April 2023