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Make your home more energy efficient

Advice and funding to help save energy and money in your home.

We support Welsh Government's aim to tackle fuel poverty and poor energy efficiency in our housing stock both in the public and private sector. We are committed in assisting UK Government meeting the target of net zero emissions by 2050 and is one of our key priorities as we recognise its importance and the global threat of climate change.

Simple ways to save on your energy bills

  1. Turn your thermostat down 1 degree
  2. Fill unused space in your freezer with rolled newspaper
  3. Draw your curtains at dusk
  4. Switch the lights off in the rooms you don't utilise and use energy saving bulbs
  5. Don't leave things on stand-by
  6. Only fill and boil the kettle with the water you need
  7. Use washing machines and dryers to full capacity unless you have half load settings
  8. Don't leave taps dripping, especially hot water taps
  9. Close doors to keep heat in rooms
  10. Adjust the heating controls (see specific heating instructions) 21oc in living room 18oc elsewhere


Energy efficiency grants and advice

ECO Flex

Get help with energy efficiency (Welsh Government) (opens new window)

Find energy grants and ways to save energy in your home (GOV.UK) (opens new window)

ECO Flex

ECO Flex is a government scheme which provides funding for energy efficiency improvements in the home such as a new central heating system, upgrades to the existing heating system and/or insulation.

The Boiler Upgrade Scheme

The Boiler Upgrade Scheme provides grants to encourage property owners to replace existing fossil fuel heating with more efficient, low carbon heating systems
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Last modified on 06 August 2024