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Potential rental income from your empty property

How long has your property been empty? Check the table to see the approximate potential income from rent that could have been earned.

The values in the table are based on 2024 Local Housing Allowance rates. 

Possible income according to years empty
Years1 bed2 bed3 bed
1 year£6,300£6,600£7,200
2 years£12,600£13,200£14,400
3 years£18,900£19,800£21,600
4 years£25,200£26,400£28,800
5 years£31,500£33,000£36,000
6 years£37,800£39,600£43,200
7 years£44,100£46,200£50,400
8 years£50,400£52,800£57,600
9 years£56,700£59,400£64,800
10 years£63,000£66,000£72,000


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Last modified on 29 February 2024