Employing someone as a social care personal assistant
Information and resources for employers of social care personal assistants.
The Care Council have produced an online toolkit for direct payment employer and personal assistants (opens new window). This toolkit was developed and informed by a group that included organisations which support employers and personal assistants, local authorities and direct payment employers.
The toolkit provides useful information and guidance, ideas and examples of good practice which will help direct payment recipients who are employers, to support their personal assistants to gain the skills they need to be confident and competent in their roles. It can help with your role as an employer from considering the skills, knowledge and attitudes you may be looking for when employing personal assistants to different ways of approaching their learning and development.
Direct Payments Team
The Council's Direct Payments Team can offer advice and support for direct payment users who need to recruit a personal assistant.
Contact the Direct Payments Team Direct Payments Team
Other help
Our contracted payroll support provider Compass Independent Living also has useful information and links on their website.
The Money Helper Service also has information on using direct payments to employ someone to help with your care.