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Elective home education

The aim of Swansea Council is to provide guidance for parents who are considering or have decided to Elective Home Educate (EHE) their children.

Swansea Council respects and accepts the right of parents to educate their children at home.

The LA recognises that elective home education is a key aspect of parental choice and therefore aims to encourage good practice in its relationships with home educators.

For the purpose of these pages 'parent' has the same meaning as in section 576 of the Education Act 1996 and therefore includes a person who has parental responsibility for a child and a person who has care of the child.

The newly formed Swansea Council Elective Home Education Team (EHET) recognises and respects the rights of the parent to educate their child at home. The EHET will seek to develop positive working relationships with home education networks and will work co-operately with EHE parents to enable children to have the best life choices available to them, and will endeavour to support children and families by ensuring that children access their right to education.

The legal background

Parents have a right to educate their child at home.

Initial contact

On receipt of notification that a child is to be home-educated, the LA will seek to make contact with the parents/guardian to discuss their provision.

Ongoing monitoring

While there is no legal framework for the local authority to regularly monitor provision of home education, we are mindful of our wider duties of care, and we will contact parents to discuss their ongoing home education provision.

Assessing the efficiency of education provided

In considering the parents' provision of education the local authority may reasonably expect the provision to include the following characteristics.

Dealing with inadequate provision

Every effort will be made to resolve issues about provision by a process of ongoing dialogue before any formal proceedings are invoked.

Children with additional learning needs

The parents' right to educate their child at home applies equally where that child has additional learning needs (ALN).

Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of the child

The local authority has a duty under Section 175(1) of the Education Act 2002 to safeguard and promote the welfare of children.

Providing information and support

The local authority is not legally obliged to provide any resources for children and young people educated at home.

A parent's guide

The aim of Swansea Council is to provide guidance for parents who are considering or have decided to elective home education (EHE) their child. Swansea Council respects and accepts the right of parents to educate their child at home.

Elective home education FAQs

Some questions to consider before deciding to educate your child at home.
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Last modified on 24 February 2020