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Debt advice

Free support and advice on managing debt for people who have money worries or debt concerns.

Getting out of debt and solving money worries can seem to difficult to face by yourself. We would always recommend speaking to someone for advice on how to manage your money.

Free debt advice

There are lots of organisations that offer free advice to help you with debt, money worries, savings and budgets. 

Find advice and support on debt Find advice and support on debt

Help with fuel and energy costs

Help and support available for paying fuel and energy bills.

Help with fuel and energy costs and other household bills Help with fuel and energy costs and other household bills

Help with benefits

Lots of benefits and grants go unclaimed, particularly by people with jobs. Get help and advice. If you've been turned down, check this was right. Mistakes can be sorted out.

Find advice and support about benefits Find advice and support on benefits

Find advice and support on debt

Free help and advice is available on managing your money and debts.

Celtic Credit Union

A Credit Union is a community-based co-operative that provides straightforward, affordable financial services to its members. They are owned by the people who use their services, and not by external shareholders or investors.

Wales Illegal Money Lending Unit

Wales Illegal Money Lending Unit
0300 123 3311

Options for dealing with your debts

If you have debt and are stuck on what you can do to help pay them off then these steps will help you whether your debt is small or large.

Stressed about debts?

If you feel stressed, anxious or at crisis, you can contact the organisations below for help.

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Last modified on 14 December 2022