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Customer charter and service standards framework

The Swansea Council Customer Charter, combined with our published Service Standards, provide our framework for communicating how we will meet the expectations of our residents.

Appendix A Charter and Service Standards (Word doc, 148 KB)

Customer Charter

The framework provides clear and concise statements, detailing ways by which we can measure and monitor customer service levels.

The Service Standards explain what each front-facing service delivers. They also describe the timescales within which you can expect us to deal with your query. We are committed to ensuring that you are completely satisfied with the service you are getting in line with our Standards.

Swansea Council is committed to putting our customers at the heart of everything we do and we welcome your feedback on how we can improve our services.
Our Customer Charter framework sets out our promises as to how we will deliver high quality services to you and the service standards we will provide to enable us to meet your expectations.

Our promises

We will:

  • Provide you with quality services
  • Ensure that we use plain language and have trained staff to answer your questions
  • Be honest, approachable and polite, keeping your needs at the heart of everything we do
  • Acknowledge and respond within the timescales laid out in our Service Standards
  • Aim to answer your enquiry through the publicised first point of contact wherever possible
  • Make sure the information we provide is accurate, up to date, and bilingual where required
  • Provide information in alternative formats where requested, such as large print, braille
  • Deliver services in a way which offers good value for money for the community
  • Involve you in the design and delivery of our services wherever possible

When you need to access services online, we will:

  • Provide you with easy-to-use, accessible, bilingual online services with all the information you need in one place
  • Publish a range of web addresses and emails so you can quickly access services or contact officers
  • Deliver secure and trusted online services to you
  • Help those residents unable to use online channels with telephone and face-to-face support

If you email us, when we respond we will:

  • Be clear, use plain language, and reply bilingually where appropriate
  • Respond within the timescales laid out in our Service Standards

If you phone the Council, we will:

  • Aim to answer your call in a timely manner
  • Give you alternative options and information for accessing services during busy periods
  • Provide access to services in Welsh and other languages

When you visit our public offices, we will:

  • Provide an accessible space which is open during published hours
  • Provide a welcoming, friendly and helpful atmosphere
  • Aim to see you within 30 minutes (if you have to wait longer we will explain why)

If we visit you, we will:

  • Arrive at the agreed appointment time (unless we are delayed, in which case we will contact you)
  • Be helpful, polite, and treat you with respect and dignity

When you speak with our staff we expect you to:

  • Be helpful, polite, and treat us with respect and dignity
  • Understand we will address unreasonable behaviour and may end the conversation / visit, or invoke our Unreasonable Customer Behaviour Policy if necessary

Service Standards

RequestWhen you contact the Council to:The Council's Commitment to you:Within the Following Timescales

Benefits - Housing Benefit (HB)

Make a new claim for Housing Benefit or tell us about a change in your household circumstances that might affect an existing claim

If you have provided all the information we need, we will work out how much HB you are entitled to and tell you

28 working days

Benefits - Council Tax Reduction (CTR)

Make a new claim for CTR or tell us about a change in your household circumstances that might affect an existing claim

If you have provided all the information we need, we will work out how much CTR you are entitled to and tell you

28 working days

Benefits - Housing Benefit (HB) and Council Tax Reduction (CTR)

Query entitlement/ payments / the potential impact of changes in circumstance on benefits / seek advice, support

We will explain our decisions/calculations and the regulations in a clear and concise way.

28 working days

Benefits - Free School Meals (FSM)

Make a new application for FSM or tell us about a change in your household circumstances that might affect an existing award of FSM

If you have provided all the information we need and we have been able to obtain confirmation of your eligibility/non-eligibility from DWP/HMRC, we will tell you if you are entitled to FSM

7 working days
(of receiving the confirmation)

Breach of planning control

Report works where a property doesn't have planning permission or is breach of condition

Investigate your complaint and advise on course of action to be taken 

12 weeks

Building Control application

Submit a completed application form for building regulations

Register your application

Within 3 working days

Building inspections

Request an Inspection

Carry out inspections while the work is taking place and we are happy to talk to you about an inspection programme for your scheme that suits you.

Where possible same working day, or within 24hrs of request. Future date inspection by arrangement.




Search for a grave

We will conduct a search of municipal cemeteries


Within 5 working days


Enquire about a memorialisation scheme for the crematorium

Provide information / costs and process application

Within 5 working days




Enquire to register a birth

Offer an appointment

Within 5 working days

Commercial land and property

Search for available land and property in Council ownership

We will advise on available council land and property. 


Email contact 5 working days. Tel contact 2 working days If call unable to be answered and message being left requesting a call back


Committee agendas

To find out information on any meetings such as council, cabinet, planning etc.

We will advise and help in your search for information on items reported to the various meetings of council.

 5 working days



To find out information on any our 75 councillors.

We will assist and advise with queries such as who is my local councillor or relevant cabinet member for a service area.

3 workings days


Make a complaint about any service

We will investigate the complaint and respond to you. We take complaints very seriously and use them as an opportunity to improve our services.

Corporate complaints:

Stage 1: 10 working days

Stage 2: 20 working days

Social Services complaints follow a specific Policy, please visit the link


Council-owned land

To make general queries including ownership

We will advise if land is council owned and confirm areas of responsibility

Email contact 5 working days. Tel contact 2 working days If call unable to be answered and message being left requesting a call back


Council Tax

Report a change of address / change of ownership or occupation of a property

Take the details off you and make the necessary updates so a correct bill can be issued

28 working days

Council Tax 

Ask to pay by direct debit

Take the details off you and set up a direct debit claim for whichever of the 4 available dates you choose

28 working days


Council Tax

Tell us about difficulties you may have with paying your bill

We will listen and do our best to agree a reasonable, mutually acceptable payment plan with you. We will also offer to refer you for independent financial advice and tell you about Council Tax Reduction

28 working days


Council Tax

Make a payment

We will take the payment from you promptly

3 days

Dangerous structures

Report a dangerous structure.


To react within 3 hours/ 24 hours depending on severity.


Deal with imminent dangers within 3 hours.

Non-imminent danger the next working day.

Dog fouling/litter

Report locations where dog fouling and/or litter is creating a hazard and/or nuisance

Remove the nuisance and/or hazard

Danger - by end of next working day

Nuisance - within 5 working days

Education: General Queries

Ask any question about the provision of education in Swansea

Provide a clear and concise response and/or signpost to the relevant school/process

15 working days

Education: School Uniform Grant (School Essentials Grant)

Helpline to support the online grant application process

Provide support to claimants that are struggling with the online application process

15 working days


Additional Learning Needs Inclusion Team (ALNIT)

Contacting a member of the ALNIT Team for information, advice or assistance

Make sure we publish all the relevant information on our website

15 school days (during term time)  or 28 calendar days (during school holidays)


Additional Learning Needs Inclusion Team (ALNIT)

General enquiries to the team

Ensure all the relevant information is available on our website.

Answer emails on specific questions

Provide a limited phone services for those without internet or email access

15 school days to respond to e-mail queries

Phone line will be open between 10.00 am to 12 noon + 2.00 pm to 4.00 pm Monday to Friday

Education: School Admissions

Apply to change school in the school year

Write to you with the outcome of your application in line with the timescales

15 school days (during term time)  or 28 calendar days (during school holidays)

Apply for a school place because you have moved into the area

Write to you with the outcome of your application in line with the timescales

15 school days (during term time)  or 28 calendar days (during school holidays)

Apply for a school place for entry to reception or year 7

Make sure we publish all the relevant information on our website and write to you directly if you are currently registered with a Swansea school


Admission Appeals


Make sure we publish all relevant information on our website to advise of the process to follow

Notification of right to appeal

15 school days (during term time) or 28 calendar days (during school holidays)


General enquiries about school admissions

Ensure all the relevant information is available on our website.

Answer emails on specific questions

Provide a limited phone services for those without internet or email access

10 working days to respond to email queries

Phone line will be open between 10 and 12 a.m. and 2 and 4 p.m. Monday - Friday (excluding bank holidays)

Empty properties

Report details of an empty property which is open to access

We will visit the property, try to identify and contact the owner and make sure the property is secured if there is a risk of unauthorised access.

Visit the property within 2 working days

Food hygiene enquiries or complaints

Make a complaint, submit an enquiry or request for a service


Investigate the complaint, respond to the enquiry or request for a service and take appropriate action

Officers will respond to your complaint, enquiry or request for a service within 5 working days of receipt

Freedom of Information requests

Make a Freedom of Information Request in writing

On receipt of a written request for recorded information the Council will notify you whether we hold that information. We will provide it in the way you requested

20 working days

Grants and funding

Find out about grant funding options or opportunities

Help to signpost you to the most appropriate funding source(s)

Within 28 working days for initial request

Grass verge cutting

Report locations where long grass is limiting driver visibility and creating a hazard

Cut visions splays as necessary

Within 5 working days

Health and Safety advice and complaints

Make a complaint, submit an enquiry or request for a service


Investigate the complaint, respond to the enquiry or request for a service and take appropriate action

Officers will respond to your complaint, enquiry or request for a service within 5 working days of receipt

Highways: Active Travel

General enquiries

Ensure all the relevant information is available on our website.

Answer emails on specific questions.

Officers will respond to your enquiry, complaint or request for a service within 10 working days of receipt

Highways: Emergency

Report an immediately dangerous situation on the Highway

To react within 4 hours/ 24 hours depending on severity.

Highways: Pothole Pledge

Report a pothole

We will repair the pothole where able.

48 hours for action and further 48 hours for response when an email address is provided.

Highways Service Request

Reporting requests for works or routine service, ice, road condition, flooding etc

Log the call, investigate action appropriately.

Non safety defects no agreed response time.  Dealt with by routine programmes of work.

Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO) Licensing

Make a licence application or request a variation of an existing licence

Log the application and contact you to confirm details, take payment and explain next stages.

Within 10 working days of you submitting the application.

Housing Standards

Report issues with the condition of your privately rented property

Take the details from you, including details of your landlord/agent, give you advice and arrange an inspection of the property, after contacting your landlord/agent.

Contact you to arrange an inspection within 5 working days of your report


General enquiries

We will refer your query to the correct section/team


General email enquiries: an initial acknowledgement within 1 working day and full response within 10 working days from the relevant team.


Apply for Housing

Your application will be assessed in accordance with our Housing Allocations Policy.

30 working days


Make a Homelessness application

If you are at risk of becoming homeless, contact Housing Options and we will take initial details from you and arrange for you to be contacted by a homelessness caseworker who will carry out an assessment with you.

On the day if homeless that night. 

10 working days if at risk of homelessness



Discuss your rent account

We will offer advice and support if you are struggling to pay your rent, or have a query about your account.

You will be contacted within 5 working days to discuss your query


Report a repair

We will respond to your request and deal with your repair.

Repair categories:

A - Emergency repairs - Attended to and made safe within 24 hours. Out of hours service available B - Urgent repairs- complete in 5 working days

C - Non-urgent - complete in 20 working days (maybe subject to pre-inspection)

D - Specialist Repairs - complete in 80 working days (may be subject to pre-inspection)

Pre-inspections carried out via an appointment arranged with the tenant

Damp and mould - inspected within 5 working days and work needed carried out within 20 working days


Report anti-social behaviour (ASB) on council estates

Your initial complaint will be responded to either by the Area Housing Office or by the Neighbourhood Support Unit (NSU)

Your initial report will be responded to within 5 working days if a name and address is left.


Request support from the Tenancy Support Unit (TSU)

The Tenancy Support Unit will provide housing-related support and advice to home owners, housing association tenants, council tenants and those who rent from the private sector.

An initial assessment of support needs will be undertaken within 5 working days.


Council Housing Major Improvement Programme

Provide advice and guidance to tenants of council properties about major repair and improvement work being undertaken or proposed in the future

Replies to emails will be made in 5 working days


Renewals - enquire about grants and loans for eg Council House adaptations, Disabled Facilities Grants and repairs eg HomeFix Loan and Welsh Government loans

Provide initial advice and assistance on the forms of assistance available and signpost to most suitable service. Assist client in applying for that form of assistance.

Contacted within 10 working days to complete an initial enquiry for housing grants / loans assistance.

Land searches

To request Local Authority Con 29 searches, copies of documents, make payments and queries on all searches

 We carry out local land searches which are part of the property conveyancing process. It allows prospective purchasers of properties and mortgage lenders to find out information that we hold about a property.

10 working days


Submit a completed application for a licence



Make a complaint, submit an enquiry or request for a service





Log the application and process in accordance with statutory requirements



Investigate the complaint, respond to the enquiry or request for a service and take appropriate action

Applications will be processed in accordance with statutory timescales where applicable


Officers will respond to your complaint, enquiry or request for a service within 5 working days of receipt

Litter/dog bins

Report locations where overflowing litter/dog bins are creating a hazard and/or nuisance

Remove the nuisance and/or hazard

Danger - by end of next working day

Nuisance - within 5 working days

Local Development Plan

Understand, raise queries about, and get involved in the production of, the Swansea Local Development Plan

To provide clear, consistent advice and opportunity for the public and key stakeholders to be active participants in the LDP process in accordance with the agreed Community Involvement Scheme

Respond to queries within 2 working days

Noise nuisance and Pollution

Report a problem about noise, water, land or air pollution

Take the details from you and investigate and action appropriately

An officer will contact you for further information, where necessary within 5 working days.

Parking ticket appeal

When you make representations in writing appealing against the issue of a Parking Charge Notice

Consider your reasons for appealing the Parking Ticket and make a decision to either uphold or reject these representations.

Pre Notice to Owner (NTO) appeal - respond in writing within 6 months.

Post Notice to Owner (NTO) appeal - respond in writing within 56 Days

Passport to Leisure (PTL)

Make a new application for a PTL or to tell us about a change in your household circumstances that might affect a PTL you already hold

If you have provided all the information we need, we will work out if you are entitled to a PTL and tell you

 28 Working days

Placemaking and heritage

Obtain advice or information relating to placemaking and heritage in Swansea, including for Conservation Areas and Heritage Protected Assets such as Listed Buildings

To provide clear, consistent advice and information

Respond to queries within 2 working days

Planning Pre-application advice

To explain how the Pre application service works, including the different types of pre applications provided and to make Payments

To provide clear and concise advice on the feasibility of proposals submitted


1. Statutory advice service - 21 days of receipt of valid application

2. Non-Statutory advice service - 28 days of receipt of valid application or as agreed for larger schemes.

Planning applications

To explain how the planning application process works, updates on planning applications, request application forms and to pay planning fees

To process as many applications as possible within Statutory targets, to approve developments assessed against current planning policies that bring social and economic benefits to all residents and communities within Swansea

56 days (for most applications)

Playgrounds - dangerous

Report playgrounds where there perceived hazards

Remove the hazard

Danger - by end of next working day


Pest Control



If you have problems with pests like mice, rats, fleas and wasps you can arrange a pest control visit by completing the on-line enquiry form.

Arrange a visit by a pest control officer after payment of the relevant fee, as most of our services have a charge.

Due to the volume of calls the pest control service is receiving it can take up to 10 working days for a visit date to be made, from date of enquiry

Port Health



Make a complaint, submit an enquiry or request for a service


Investigate the complaint, respond to the enquiry or request for a service and take appropriate action

Officers will respond to your complaint, enquiry or request for a service within 5 working days of receipt

Register to vote / Elections / Voting

Enquire about vacancies, and standing for election

We will give you advice according to current legislations

We will follow statutory timetables during election time, otherwise we will respond within 5 working days

Enquire about elections in your area and how and where to vote

We will advise you of the correct procedure and where and when to vote

Within 3 working days

Report a change of name, address, add or remove an elector from your property

We will write to you confirming of the change

Within 28 days

Enquire about your registration details

We will confirm your registration status

Within 3 working days

Paying for Adult Social Care - Residential Care

Make a new application for help towards the cost of Residential Social Care or to tell us about a change in your circumstances that might affect an existing application.

If you have provided all the information we need, we will work out how much help you are entitled to and explain how we have arrived at our decision.


28 Working Days

Paying for Adult Social Care - Non-Residential Care

Make a new application for help towards the cost of Non- Residential Social Care costs or to tell us about a change in your circumstances that might affect an existing application.

If you have provided all the information we need, we will work out how much help you are entitled to and explain how we have arrived at our decision.


 28 Working Days


Social Care - The Family Information Service (FIS) Swansea

Find out information about Childcare and Childcare funding.

Seeking guidance/advice  for you and your young family about any topic.

To provide information about registered childcare in Swansea. Information to help with the cost of childcare. Guidance and signposting to any other service that may affect you and your young family.

Monday - Thursday 9am - 5pm

Friday 9am - 4.30pm

During a working day 24-48 hour response

Social Care - Direct Payments Finance

Query the Finance side of Direct Payments

The Finance Directorate will make payments as instructed by Social Services, based on the client's  support plan.

28 working days from when the instruction is received from Social Services

Social Care - Childcare Payments

Query the Finance side of Childcare Payments including Fostering, Special Guardianships and Adoption

The Finance Directorate will make payments as instructed by Social Services, based on the client's  support plan.

28 working days from when the instruction is received from Social Services

Paying for Adult Social Care-

Make a payment

We will take the payment from you promptly

3 days

Adult Social Care



Information, advice or assistance

Reporting a safeguarding concern

We will work with you to live well and safely in our community

We will respond within 2 working days via telephone or email.


Social Services

Make a comment, complaint or compliment about Social Services


When things go wrong and a service user or someone sufficiently concerned with their welfare, may wish to complain, the law says you have a right to get your views heard about Social Services

You will get an acknowledgement within 2 working days. We will contact you to discuss your complaint within 10 working days, We will write to you within 5 working days of the resolution date, confirming the outcome.

Child and Family Services

Seek information, advice or assistance or to report a safeguarding concern

We can help families to get support from the right people at the right time to live happy, health and safe lives

We will respond within 48 hours via telephone or email

Child and Family Services

Enquire about becoming a foster carer

We provide dedicated support on your fostering journey, from specialist training to financial allowances, so you're never alone

We will respond to your initial enquiry within 24 hours

Child and Family Services

Enquire about becoming an adoptive parent

Western Bay Adoption offer support to not only adopters going through the assessment but also so adopted young people affected by adoption

We will respond to your initial enquiry within 5 working days

Stray Dogs

Report a dog straying in your area or contact us to see if your dog has been picked up by the Animal Warden

We will take the details from you and try and collect a straying animal or check our register to confirm whether your stray dog has been picked up. Take the release fee from you and explain how you can collect your impounded dog.

We will respond within 1 working day

Trading Standards

Make a complaint, submit an enquiry or request for a service


Investigate the complaint, respond to the enquiry or request for a service and take appropriate action

Officers will respond to your complaint, enquiry or request for a service within 5 working days of receipt

Trees - dangerous

Report trees which are considered to be creating a hazard

Remove the hazard

Immediate Danger - by end of next working day

Non immediate hazard - within 5 working days

Waste + Recycling: Assisted waste collections

When all residents of a property are unable to put waste out for collection due to disability or infirmity

Our waste team will be advised and will agree a safe position on the premises to collect the bags/bins

On your normal bin collection day, (Mon-Fri)

Waste + Recycling: Collections - missed

Report that your waste, correctly put out on time, has not been collected on the correct collection day, giving us your contact details

If put your waste out correctly and on time, our Waste Team will return to collect it

Within 5 working days

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Last modified on 03 April 2024