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Council Tax premiums - income and spend

How is the money collected from Council Tax premiums spent?

For the financial year 2023/24:

  • the number of properties liable for each premium are: 
    • long term empty properties = 1,145 
    • furnished properties that are no-one's sole or main residence (often known as second homes) = 1,325
  • the amount of income generated from charging a premium on long term empty properties = £1,488,360
  • the amount of income generated from charging a premium on furnished properties that are no-one's sole or main residence = £2,374,872

Like most council income the sums raised from charging Council Tax premiums are not required to be ring fenced to a specific purpose. However, local authorities are encouraged by Welsh Government to use any additional revenue generated to help meet local housing needs, in line with the policy intentions of the premiums.

Local housing needs within Swansea (as it does in other local authority areas) cover diverse functions including support for the homeless, improvement of current housing stock and building new council homes we can rent to those who wish to become our tenants.

Spending on issues related to housing and homelessness is of course not just limited to the role of the housing department. Other departments will also be involved, such as social services.

The council's budget is published annually and contains details of all spending so and the amounts spent on homelessness related issues will be included. 

It should also be noted that the amount collected in Council Tax premiums only contributes to the overall spent on housing related needs and does not reflect the entire spend on those issues. As an indicator of the amounts spent in the previous 2 financial years, information on some of the major housing related projects and their costs is provided below. There is no direct link to what the council collects in Council Tax premiums and the greater amount which is actually spent on housing related issues.

More Homes (new house build) 

  • 22/23 £11,806,913 (actual)
  • 23/24 (forecast) £7,578,513
  • Budget 24/25 £11,805,000
  • Example project C09805 - acquisitions


  • 22/23 £951,441 (actual)
  • 23/24 (forecast) £2,090,963 - this includes credit of £1,525,000 from the homelessness reserve to offset an overspend on temporary accommodation.
  • Budget 24/25 £2,390,313
  • Example scheme 54101 500151 - bed and breakfast
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Last modified on 19 April 2024