Map of council housing areas in Swansea
A map of council housing in Swansea, including amount and types of properties.
- If you are thinking about applying for council housing or want to move from your council home to another one this map will help you to see where we have council properties suitable for you.
- Click on a pin and information for that area on the total number of properties, streets we have properties on and the property types will pop up
- As it's a Google map you can zoom in and out and see what facilities are in the area too.
- You can then use this information to select which areas you would like to be registered on the waiting list for when you complete your application for housing (you may want to write the areas down so you don't have to keep switching pages).
- The map shows where we have council housing not what is currently available to rent
- To register onto our waiting list, you will need to complete an application for housing
- For a map of independent living accommodation: Independent living complexes
The rehousing areas are grouped by area housing office:
Central Area Housing Office - orange/diamond
East Area Housing Office - red/circle
North Area Housing Office - blue/star
West Area Housing Office - green/square
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Last modified on 13 February 2023