Bus services funded by the council
Details about bus services in Swansea that are run by the council.
If the bus route you want is not listed in the Subsidised bus routes (July 2021) then it's a commercial service run by First Cymru or South Wales Transport. Commercial services are run without any council subsidy and therefore we have no control over the route, timetable or the fares charged.
Find bus times here
Subsidised bus routes
Contracted services are operated on behalf of the City and County of Swansea - these journeys are not commercially viable for service operators, but are considered to be socially necessary.
Comments / queries or complaints about subsidised routes
If you have any comments/queries or complaints regarding a subsidised bus service, please contact the Transport Team:
Transportation Team, City and County of Swansea, Civic Centre, Swansea SA1 3SN.
Telephone: 01792 636466.
For comments/queries or complaints regarding commercial services, please contact the service operators directly: Bus tickets and operators