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Corporate Plan 2020-22

The corporate plan describes the council's vision for Swansea, our 6 key council priorities (well-being objectives and improvement objectives) and our organisation values and principles that will underpin the delivery of our priorities and overall strategy.

The corporate plan has been refreshed and rolled forward for 2020-22.

Our priorities for 2020-22 that are set out within our corporate plan are:

  • Safeguarding people from harm - so that our citizens are free from harm and exploitation
  • Improving education and skills - so that every child and young person in Swansea gains the skills and qualifications they need to succeed in life
  • Transforming our economy and infrastructure - so that Swansea has a thriving mixed-use City Centre and a local economy that will support the prosperity of our citizens
  • Tackling poverty - so that every person in Swansea can achieve his or her potential
  • Maintaining and enhancing Swansea's natural resources and biodiversity - so that we maintain and enhance biodiversity, reduce our carbon footprint, improve our knowledge and understanding of our natural environment and benefit health and well-being
  • Transformation and future council development - so that we and the services that we provide are sustainable and fit for the future.

This discharges our duties under the Well-Being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 and Local Government Measure (Wales) 2009 to set well-being objectives and improvement objectives.

Our priorities show the council's contribution to Wales' 7 national goals described within the Well-Being of Future Generations Act (the 'Act') and describes how we will maximise this contribution to the national goals and to the social, cultural, environmental and economic well-being of Swansea by working in line with the sustainability principles set out within the Act.

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Last modified on 08 November 2021