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Third Sector Compact Agreement

Swansea Council has a long and productive history of partnership working with the Third Sector in Swansea.

A Compact agreement was first made between the parties in 1999 and has been reviewed a number of times since, most recently in 2021.  The Compact is the basis for a Third Sector Strategy to reflect joint working principles between Swansea Council, Swansea Council for Voluntary Services and the wider Third Sector to provide a robust and workable framework for ongoing dialogue between the partners.

Third Sector Compact Agreement 2021

2021 Third Sector Compact Agreement (Word doc, 238 KB)

Third Sector Compact Liaison Group

Monitoring and evaluation of the Compact Agreement between the Council and the Sector is conducted through Compact Liaison Group, with the main purpose of the group being to share a general overview of strategic developments and a general exchange of information.

The group is:

  • Comprised of equal  membership of Council and Third Sector representatives
  • Meet every two months (more frequently  if required)
  • Third Sector representatives elected from a broad cross section of the Sector, Council representatives shall be drawn from across service areas with links to the Third Sector
  • Chairing of meetings will alternate between the Council and Third Sector, minute taking and administering the meeting will likewise alternate between partners.
  • Ensure Third Sector Forum Groups and  relevant council groups to feed in

The purpose of the group would include:

  • To promote the Compact Agreement and encourage ownership and support across both sectors
  • To monitor the expected outcomes outlined in the Compact Agreement and review the objectives to ensure the document remains responsive to current trends
  • To act as a mechanism to facilitate dialogue between the Council and the Third Sector on matters of shared interest
  • To agree a joint work programme for each year to share and manage risk
  • To monitor the progress of delivering the work programme

Membership of Compact Liaison Group

Joint Chairs:

Alyson Pugh; Cabinet Member for Well Being
Amanda Carr; Chief Executive, Swansea Council for Voluntary Service

Third Sector Representatives

Alyx Baharie; SCVS (Secretariat, Third Sector)
Cherrie Bija; Faith in Families
Phil MacDonnell: Swansea Environment Forum
Elenor Norton; Discovery, Student Volunteering Swansea
Ifor Glynn: Swansea Carers Centre
Sandi Mitchell: Your Voice Advocacy

Council Representatives

Cllr Ceri Evans
Jane Whitmore
Paul Relf
Amy Hawkins
Sue Reed
Spencer Martin (Secretariat Council)

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Last modified on 29 September 2022