Community support information
We provide information on the website about food banks and other food support, Swansea Spaces and free period products.
The organisations who provide these services in the heart of communities in Swansea have usually received grants and funding from us initially, but often continue to do so in some form throughout the year based on kind donations from the public and local businesses, as well as top-up grants.
Food banks and other food support Food banks and other food support
Free period products Free period products
Adding your organisation's details to one or all of our directories
The information presented to the public is venue-based, meaning that everything available in a building is available on one page, so your organisation's information may be on the same page as others. Please check the links above to see whether there is already a page set up for your venue.
It is also a good idea to have a look what sort of information is already on the pages and how it is presented, to help us process your information quicker.
Before information is added to the website it will be checked and approved. Once your information or page is live we will send you a link to double check all the details are correct.
We ask that you take responsibility for your own information and let us know as soon as possible if anything changes using the online form. Failure to do so may mean your information being removed from the website.
Please note that any entry into the directory is only added at the discretion of the City and County of Swansea.
For Swansea Spaces:
We believe that the following principles of a Swansea Space are important and are asking all organisers to agree to these principles:
- No-one will be questioned about why they are using a Swansea Space, which should be a non-judgemental environment.
- Everyone will be welcomed and treated equally with dignity and respect.
- A Swansea Space is a safe space and your organisation will apply your usual safeguarding policies and food hygiene rules.
- No-one's personal details will be shared without their expressed permission in order to refer them for further advice or assistance.