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Climate pledge

A net zero, greener Swansea by 2050 - make a pledge and play your part!

Swansea Council is taking action on climate change and the nature emergencies, but we recognise to really make a difference and be the Swansea we want to be in 2050, action is needed from everyone now.

Wildflowers - blue (cars and Mumbles Head background).
We signed the Swansea Council Charter on Climate Action in December 2020, which made a commitment to take action on climate change, biodiversity and nature.

Our partners at Swansea Public Services Board and beyond are committing to the Swansea Charter on climate action which sets out their commitment too.

We invite our citizens, businesses, community/voluntary groups, schools and young people to make their own pledge and join us in all working together for a Net Zero, Greener Swansea by 2050. See what people have pledged.

Here are some examples for individual pledges or you can add your own action or commitment as an organisation:

I pledge to

  • Reduce my driving by walking or riding a bike
  • Shop locally and support local business
  • Cut back on flying
  • Reduce my energy use and bills
  • Change to a 100% renewable energy supplier
  • Reuse and repair rather than replace items
  • Reduce waste and recycle more
  • Create a space for nature in my garden
  • Plant a tree
  • Grow my own fruit or veg
  • Ask my friends and family and my employer to also sign up to the pledge

Make a climate pledge Make a climate pledge

You can also pledge by writing to: Climate Change, Swansea Council, Civic Centre, Oystermouth Road, Swansea, SA1 3SN.

The views expressed are those of individuals and not necessarily those of Swansea Council

Climate change and nature recovery

Climate change is happening and is resulting in serious global challenges such as rising global temperatures, changing weather patterns, rising sea levels and increased extreme weather.

Swansea Council Charter on Climate Change

To demonstrate our commitment to a Net Zero Swansea, a Swansea Council Charter on Climate Change was approved at Council on 3 December 2020.

Net Zero 2030

How we're taking action on climate change across the council.


We currently sow around 40,000 square metres (almost 10 acres or about 6 football pitches) of wildflowers across approximately 190 sites in Swansea.
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Last modified on 16 February 2022