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Child performance licensing

Child performance licence requirements and application forms for children who reside in Swansea.

Due to potential staff shortages, we are requesting contact by email rather than by telephone. Any queries relating to child performance licenses should be sent to:
All emails received will be responded to as soon as possible.


The requirement to licence:

The legislation requires Performance Licences to be issued by each Local Authority to children who take part in the following categories:

  • A live broadcast or recorded performance for example, a television or radio programme or film.
  • A theatre performance where a charge is made.
  • Any performance on licensed premises.
  • Child modelling and sport where the child or any other person is paid (other than payment for expenses).

The person responsible for the production of the performance in which a child is taking part is the person who should make the application for the licence.

The application must be made to the City and County of Swansea who will process the application.

Application forms, fully completed with all the relevant documentation attached, must arrive at the Civic Centre no later than 21 working days before the performance is due to take place.

Child Performance Licence application (Word doc, 52 KB)

This form is available in Welsh - click on 'Cymraeg' in the top right corner of your screen.

Some performances may not require a licence. If you are unsure whether a Child Performance licence is required please contact Child Performance Licensing for advice.

When does a child NOT need a licence to perform?

  • If the child performs for only 4 days in any 6 month period and they do not need time off school to undertake the performance.
  • If a child takes part in their full time school performance (this is an educational school not a school of dance).
  • Performances put on by a 'Body of Persons'.
  • Any activity that the local authority does not consider to be a performance such as children interviewed or filmed while taking part in some normal activity not specifically arranged for the purpose such as doing school lessons, playing in the park.
  • If the activity is directed in any way it may be reviewed and converted into a performance.



Applications for child performance licences for any child who resides in Swansea will be processed within The School and Governor Team.

If a Child Performance licence is not required we still request that the organiser of the performance/show register all children taking part. This allows us to keep a register of all Swansea children taking part in a performance. Even if a licence is not required most of the rules and regulations still apply.

What is the role of a chaperone?

Guidance in line with the Welsh Government's 'keeping young performance safe' 2015 document.

Chaperone guidelines for parents chaperoning their own child

Information for parents who chaperone their child when licensed for performances.

Body of persons approval guidance Wales

Under Section 37(3)(b) of the Children and Young Persons Act 1963 a licence is not required for a performance given under arrangements made by a 'body of person' approved by the local authority where the performance is taking place, or in some exceptional circumstances by Welsh Government or the Secretary of State.

Child performance licence contact details

Contact details.
Child performance licence

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Last modified on 14 February 2024