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Child Disability Index frequently asked questions

A list of our most frequently asked questions about the Child Disability Index.

What is the Child Disability Index?

Who can be registered on the Index?

Why have an Index?

How does the Index work?

What the Index is not

How will the information on the Index be managed?

How do we join the Index?



What is the Child Disability Index?

The Child Disability Index (CDI) is a confidential, secure computer database which holds certain information about children and young people aged 0-18 with any disability which has a 'marked impact on their daily life'.

Who can be registered on the Index?

Children or young people, under the age of 18, who have a disability which has a marked impact on their daily life, including children with:

  • Autistic spectrum disorder 
  • Behavioural/social/emotional difficulties
  • A medical condition 
  • A physical disability
  • Sensory impairment 
  • A learning disability/difficulty
  • Multiple disabilities.

Why have an Index?

The law says that 'every local authority shall open and maintain a register of disabled children within their area'. In Swansea the register of disabled children is known as the 'Child Disability Index'.

The purpose of Swansea's Child Disability Index is to:

  • collect and supply information for planning for the future years and the immediate future - from schools and transport to holiday schemes and respite care;
  • provide statistical information to the government;
  • act as a gateway for the local authority and its partners to ask children, young people and their families what they think and want (via voluntary consultations);
  • circulate information, ideas and news via bi-annual newsletters to help ensure children and their families know what is going on in the City and County of Swansea and how to reach and obtain these services.

How does the Index work?

Registration is voluntary.

The Child Disability Index registration form can be completed by parents, main carers or a young person themselves depending on their age and understanding. You might want to ask for help from someone else who knows the child well.

After registration, we will send you a copy of the child or young person's Child Disability Index record and unique Child Disability Index card.

To make sure that the information held on the register is up to date, we will ask you to complete a new CDI registration form every 2 years.

Whilst registered, we will send you information as described above.

You can ask at any time for a child or young person's name and details to be removed from the Index. When the young person reaches the age of 18 their name and details will automatically be removed from the Index. We will let you know that this has happened.

What the index is not

If a parent / carer decides to place their child's name on the index, it does not automatically qualify them for services other than information, advice and sign-posting.

How will the information on the Index be managed?

The Index is managed within the Children's Services division of the Social Services department. As Education and Health Services think it is important, they have agreed to be our partners.

One important role of the Index is to provide information to all the partner agencies to assist with improving current services and planning future services. Only anonymous data, which does not identify the child/young person or the person that registered them, will be shared in such circumstances.

All personal information held on the Index is confidential. Personal data on the Index will be:

  • Used to send out the bi-annual Child Disability Index newsletter and information specifically related to the Index, as well as carefully selected useful information and invitations to participate in consultations. We will not give other agencies and services personal details to contact individuals directly.
  • Accessible to a social worker if the child or young person has one.

By agreeing to registration on the Index, the person who submitted the Child Disability Index registration form agrees that the information may be used in this way.

You have a right to ask to see records we keep about you. There is more information about how we handle personal information on our Privacy notice.

How do we join the Index?

Go to:

Child Disability Index - Register online Child Disability Index - Register online.

Alternatively, you can contact Child Disability Index Administrator.

The Child Disability Index Administrator can also help with enquires and questions you may have, from obtaining a copy of the CDI registration form, to suggesting articles for the newsletter.


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Last modified on 14 July 2021