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Children and young people - all other childcare

Information on how to find and choose childcare, what to consider and the different types of childcare identified, along with a list of childcare providers.

Find childcare in Swansea

A list of childcare providers in Swansea (external link to Data Cymru).

Are you unable to find suitable childcare?

Please tell us if you are looking for childcare, or haven't been able to find the childcare you need.

How to choose a childcare service

Contact as many childcare providers as possible before deciding which one is best for you and your child.

Family Information Service (FIS)

The Family Information Service (FIS) is a free impartial information and advice service for ALL parents / carers of children and young people aged between 0-20 and the professionals who work with them.

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Last modified on 17 May 2023