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Remembrance and Memorials

A memorial is a lasting and unique way to remember the life of a loved one; it can provide a focal point for family and friends to visit to reflect on and grieve their loss.

We have a wide range of memorials for you to be able to remember your loved one by. Details of each memorial and how to apply are available below. For information on prices please see our Burial and cremation services and fees page.

Book of Remembrance

Remembrance Cards and Miniature Books

Babies Book of Remembrance

Memorial Plaques

Memorial Kerbstone

Memorial bench - additional plaque

Book of Remembrance at Swansea Crematorium

Book of Remembrance

By choosing to have an entry inscribed in the Book of Remembrance the applicant is not only having a memorial that is permanent, but is remembering their loved one in a personal and unique way. The inscriptions contained within the pages can be viewed for many years by future generations.

Each volume of the book contains entries for three months and is open on the corresponding day; however if your visit is not on the anniversary date you chose, a member of staff will turn the page for you if requested as long as the book is not being updated at the calligraphers, so please check beforehand.

How to apply?

Purchase a memorial Purchase a memorial

Complete the application form with the following information:

Date the entry is to appear in the book - most people choose the date of death, but it can be a birthday or anniversary; for the inscription there is a choice of either two lines, five lines or eight lines; there is also an option to add an emblem or other artwork.

Lines can also be reserved for an inscription to be added in future, so people can be remembered together; in order to do this the word  "reserved" should be written on each line that needs to be reserved; as an example, for a 5 line entry 2 lines can be used and 3 lines reserved or for an 8 line entry 4 lines can be used and 4 lines can be reserved.

There are fixed deadlines for receiving applications each quarter and therefore they must be received within the timescale in order for them to appear in the book for the forthcoming year. The timescales are as follows:

Timescales for submitting details for the Book of Remembrance
Volume of book that the details will appear inDetails to be submitted by this date

Inscriptions for volume ONE - 1 January to 31 March

Application to be received no later than 31 October

Inscriptions for volume TWO - 1 April to 30 June

Application to be received no later than 31 January

Inscriptions for volume THREE - 1 July to 30 September

Application to be received no later than 30 April

Inscriptions for volume FOUR - 1 October to 31 December

Application to be received no later than 31 July


Remembrance Cards and Miniature Books

Remembrance cards

In addition to the inscription appearing in the Book of Remembrance the chosen entry can also be inscribed in a Remembrance Card or Miniature Book of Remembrance. These personal copies are ideal for families that cannot visit the crematorium often to view the main book or perhaps can be a gift for family members that live away or abroad.

How to apply?

Purchase a memorial Purchase a memorial

Complete the application form with the following information:

Date the entry is to appear - most people choose the date of death, but it can be a birthday or anniversary; for the inscription there is a choice of either two lines, five lines or eight lines; there is also an option to add an emblem or other artwork.

Further inscriptions can also be added to existing cards / books if required.

Once ordered the cards / books can take up to 8 weeks for delivery.


Babies Book of Remembrance

Babies Book of Remembrance

The Babies Book of Remembrance is situated in the hall of remembrance at the crematorium.

The pages are turned each day to the corresponding date; however if your visit is not on the anniversary date you chose, a member of staff will turn the page for you if requested as long as the page is not being updated at the calligraphers, so please check beforehand.

How to apply?

Purchase a memorial Purchase a memorial

Complete the application form with the following information:

Date the entry is to appear in the book; an entry up to five lines can be inscribed; there is also an option to add an emblem or other artwork.

There are fixed deadlines for receiving applications; please check timescales with our office. 


Memorial Plaques

Memorial Planter at Swansea crematorium

Memorial planter

There are commemorative memorial plaques (6 inches x 3inches / 15.2cm x 7.6cm) available at Swansea crematorium fixed on memorial planters, which are available on either side of the building i.e. opposite garden 3 and 4.

Each plaque is purchased on a five year lease with the option to extend the lease at the end of the period.

Where a plaque is not renewed it can be removed by the applicant and retained as a keepsake and therefore the space will be relinquished and used by another family.

Each plaque consists of a 5 line inscription with gold lettering.

Small cut flowers can be placed in the posy holes at the foot of the memorial; however no other items can be placed.

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Memorial Tree (Mulberry) at Swansea crematorium

Mulberry tree memorial
Mulberry leaf

The Memorial 'Mulberry' tree is located near Garden 1 on the main drive to the crematorium. The trunk is made from granite and the branches are all made of handcrafted metalwork, which will weather over time for a rustic appearance. There are 16 branches on the tree which are alphabetically lettered for ease of mapping.

The tree holds 240 heart shaped granite leaves that can be inscribed with silver lettering to include the name of deceased, year of birth and year of death. 

There is also an option for a small emblem on the leaf at no extra cost; emblem designs include a four-leaf clover, red heart, butterfly, cross, acorn, pair of ladybirds.

Each leaf is purchased on a leased basis over a five-year term; upon expiry of the lease the leaf can either be renewed for another five years at a lower cost than the initial purchase fee or it can be collected as a keep sake with no further costs to pay.

Small cut flowers can be placed at the foot of the memorial; anything other than fresh cut flowers will be removed by grounds staff in order to keep the area tidy.

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Memorial Tree (Willow) at Swansea crematorium

Willow tree memorial
Willow leaf

The Memorial 'Willow' tree is located near Garden 6 on the main drive to the crematorium. The trunk is made from granite and the branches are all made of handcrafted metalwork, which will weather over time for a rustic appearance. There are 16 branches on the tree which are alphabetically lettered for ease of mapping.

The tree holds 300 granite leaves that can be inscribed with silver lettering to include the name of deceased, year of birth and year of death.

Each leaf is purchased on a leased basis over a five-year term; upon expiry of the lease the leaf can either be renewed for another five years at a lower cost than the initial purchase fee or it can be collected as a keep sake with no further costs to pay.

Small cut flowers can be placed at the foot of the memorial; anything other than fresh cut flowers will be removed by grounds staff in order to keep the area tidy.

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Butterfly Barbican Memorial at Morriston cemetery babies garden

Butterfly barbican memorial

The Butterfly Barbican is situated in the new babies garden at Morriston cemetery.

It is octagonal in shape with eight sides containing 14 blank tablets, each in a different colour granite.

Each tablet measures 6 inches x 4.7 inches (15.2cm x 11.9cm) and can accommodate an inscription and small butterfly design feature.

All inscriptions are painted in silver and the butterfly designs are available in a choice of silver, pink or blue.

Plaques are purchased on a leased basis over a five-year term; upon expiry of the lease, plaques can either be renewed for another five years at a lower cost than the initial purchase fee or they can be collected as a keep sake with no further costs to pay.

Applicants are required to meet the cemetery supervisor at the memorial to consider which colour plaque is preferred and in which position on the memorial. Once identified the chosen plaque will be removed and marked up for dispatch to the supplier. Inscribed plaques will be returned to the designated position on the memorial and applicants will be notified accordingly. We allow up to 8 weeks for delivery from receipt of payment.

Purchase a memorial Purchase a memorial


Memorial kerbstone

Memorial kerbstones are available around the gardens at Swansea Crematorium for additional inscriptions only.

To inscribe further names on an existing kerb please complete the relevant application form; each line can accommodate a maximum of 22 characters including spaces.

If repainting / relocating / re-fixing works are required for your kerb, please make enquiries to the bereavement services office for further information.

Purchase a memorial Purchase a memorial


Memorial bench additional plaque

Memorial bench plaque

We do not provide new memorial benches at any of our cemeteries or at the crematorium.

However, we can provide additional plaques for existing benches; for further information please contact the bereavement services office.

Each plaque accommodates a five line inscription with a maximum of 40 characters per line, including punctuation and spaces; please include the location of the bench ie cemetery and section or garden number; the text will be centred on the plaque.

Purchase a memorial Purchase a memorial


For further information on any of the memorial schemes at Swansea crematorium / cemeteries please contact the Bereavement Services office by email at or by telephone on 01792 636481.

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Last modified on 20 September 2023