Bus times
Get the times of public transport in and around Swansea with Traveline Cymru.
Traveline Cymru is the public transport information service for Wales providing the travelling public with detailed information about travelling by bus or train throughout Wales.
For the latest bus or train information use the journey planner above or call Traveline Cymru on 0800 464 0000. This is a Free Phone service and offers information in English or Welsh.
Or visit the website at traveline.cymru (opens new window).
Alternatively, download the free Traveline Cymru app from the iPhone App store (opens new window) or the Android marketplace (opens new window).
Bus times via text message
Look at your bus stop to find what your unique 7 letter bus stop code is (this code can also be found on the Traveline Cymru website (opens new window)) and send the bus stop code as a text message to the traveline text number 84268.
You will get a reply via text message within 30 seconds showing:
- the times of the next four buses due at the particular stop.
- the service number of each bus.
- the destination of each bus.