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Bus information

Swansea bus station opening times and timetables.

Bus station opening times

The main bus station is open seven days a week between 5.30am and 8.30pm.

If you are leaving on a coach before the main bus station opens, you can still gain access to the coach departure area through the southerly entrance by pressing the buzzer and showing your travel ticket to the security guard on duty.

The public toilets are open daily between 8.00am and 8.30pm (30p charge).

Information desk

The information desk is open Monday to Saturday 8.30am - 5.30pm.

Bus station rangers can also help passengers with lost property and enquiries.

Bag storage

These facilities are available at Swansea mobility hire next to the bus station.

Bus station facilities for travellers with disabilities

The bus station has colour-contrast way finder flooring.

Braille maps of both the bus station and the railway station are available from the information desk.

Each bus departure bay is equipped with the RNIB REACT talking sign system. REACT fobs are available from the information desk for a £15 refundable deposit.

The bus station has disabled toilets, located near the south entrance. There is also a Changing Places facility in the Swansea mobility hire office that's sited within the bus station itself.

If you have any queries please email

Bus times

Get the times of public transport in and around Swansea with Traveline Cymru.

Concessionary bus passes

Some people are eligible for free or discounted travel on local bus services.

Bus tickets and operators

Buying tickets and bus operators.

Bus services funded by the council

Details about bus services in Swansea that are run by the council.

Bus and community transport FAQs

Answers to the most common questions we get asked about bus and community transport services.

Swansea mobility hire

We provide powered scooters, wheelchairs and manual wheelchairs to help people who have limited mobility (through permanent or temporary disablement, illness, accident or age).
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