Biodiversity and Development
This document provides guidance to augment Policies ER6, ER8 and ER9 of the LDP, and provide clarity on the interpretation of those policies, in order to ensure development within Swansea maintains and enhances the County's biodiversity and delivers long term ecosystem resilience. This aligns with the Council's duties under s6 of the Environment (Wales) Act 2016 and the Resilient Wales Goal of the Well Being of Future Generations Act 2015, and is consistent with National Development Plan (Future Wales) Policy.
The SPG was adopted by Planning Committee on 22nd Feburary 2021 following public consultation on a draft version. A copy of the public consultation report setting out the process followed leading up to adoption of the final version of the SPG can be downloaded below.
Stepwise Approach to considering biodiversity in planning processAll proposals should follow the Stepwise Approach set out in the SPG. The stepwise approach guides applicants on how to consider biodiversity at each stage of the development management process. It provides the framework to demonstrate that proposals have responded to a robust ecological understanding of a site, and that appropriate ecological mitigation, compensation, enhancement and aftercare will be provided.
Ecological Surveys and Assessments: SPG Appendix 1provides detailed guidance on the species, habitats and sites which are likely to affect a variety of types, scales and locations of applications for development in Swansea, including guidance on
- Terrestrial Protected and Priority Species Surveys Checklist
- Terrestrial Ecological Survey Seasons
- S7 Marine/Coastal/Estuarine Species and Habitats Checklist
- Legal & Policy Framework re Protection of Sites and Species in Swansea
Biodiversity and Major, Minor and Other Developments The SPG recognises that applicants should provide measures in relation to biodiversity and ecosystem resilience that are proportionate to the scale of the development. SPG Appendices 2, 3 and 4 provide further guidance.
The Council's Nature Conservation Team are a consultee in the planning application process and will provide advice to the Development Management Team in relation to biodiversity matters.