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Applications for building regulations

If you are planning a new building or extension, or an alteration of an existing building, then you will have to meet building regulations in most cases.

Some smaller schemes may not need an application and you should check our Buildings exempt from building regulations page for more information.

Please read the information below to check which type of application should be made.  Swansea Building Control can give advice before you apply. 

Building notices

Building notices allow work to be carried out without needing to submit full plans. They are suitable for small work and allow you to begin work quickly.

Full plans

You can use a full plans notice for all types of building work. Your plans will be checked before work starts to make sure they meet the building regulations.

Inspecting your building work

Once you have given a building notice or submitted full plans you can start work at any time, but you must give us notice of when you reach certain stages of the works. A building control officer will then come and visit the site.

Retrospective approval of building works

If you have carried out work without first receiving building regulations approval then you can apply for retrospective approval. This process is called regularisation.

Retaining walls

If you are building a wall which is retaining land over 1.5m in height you will need to submit an application. This applies to new retaining walls or extending an existing one.

Building regulation fees

The fees are divided into plan and inspection fees, building notice fees and regularisation fees. The fees will depend on the work that is being done.

Submit-a-Plan - Online plans submission to local authorities allows you to make your building regulations application online. You can send your application,plans and other documents to any local authority in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.
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Last modified on 18 August 2021