Swansea Local Development Plan 2010-2025 (LDP)
The Swansea Local Development Plan (LDP) 2010-2025 was adopted on the 28th February 2019. Under the provisions of the Planning (Wales) Act, the Swansea LDP forms the statutory development plan for the Council. Together with the national plan, It will be used as the primary material consideration to inform decisions on planning applications and development proposals.
The council will use the adopted Local Development Plan (LDP) (PDF, 10 MB), together with Future Wales: The National Plan 2040 (planningaidwales.org.uk) (opens new window), as the primary material consideration to inform decisions on planning applications and development proposals.
The Swansea LDP is an innovative and ambitious Plan that promotes a strong Placemaking agenda consistent with the Welsh Government's well-being objectives. The Plan presents a positive approach to managing and promoting growth, and to delivering the supporting infrastructure required to underpin the transformative change that Swansea is anticipated to experience as the city at the heart of the Swansea Bay Region.
LDP documents
The LDP contains a
Written Statement (PDF, 10 MB) and LDP proposals map (opens new window) which set out the full range of plan policies and proposals to achieve this. The plan also contains a monitoring framework that will measure the effectiveness of plan policies and inform Annual Monitoring Reports
LDP supporting documents
These are not part of the statutory plan, but they do set out information referenced in the LDP and/or may be material considerations in the consideration of planning applications. The Constraints and Issues Map (swansea.opus4.co.uk) (opens new window) shows designations which are determined by other mechanisms or bodies, and therefore not shown on the LDP Proposals Map. This enables changes that are not determined by the plan to be readily made during the course of the plan period.
Infrastructure Development Plan (IDP)
Infrastructure Development Plan (PDF, 1 MB)
Accessing LDP Documents
The LDP is available in an interactive format, or can be downloaded as a PDF. High resolution versions of each the each of the proposals and inset maps for specific areas can be downloaded separately below. Hard copies of the Swansea LDP can be purchased for £50.
Please note:
- The LDP spatial policies included on the Proposals Map have been digitally produced using Ordnance Survey Mapping data (License No: 100023509). Despite the data being surveyed to Ordnance Survey specification and published accuracy standards there could be incidents where the map boundary does not accurately reflect what is physically on the ground.
- Information shown on the Constraints and Issues Map is compiled from numerous sources and updated at regular intervals. Where new information has been made available, there may be a period of time when the latest data is not shown on the map. Users are advised to check the original source for the most up to date information. It should be noted that not every constraint or issue that could affect decisions on a planning application is shown on the map, including areas of Common Land, Village Greens and Trees subject to Preservation Orders. The Council cannot be held responsible for the misuse or misinterpretation of any information and accepts no liability for any loss, damage or inconvenience caused as a result of reliance on the mapping.