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Charges for care at home

What you might be expected to pay towards the cost of your care and support at home and how we calculate the charges.

Your care and support plan may include a range of services either provided or arranged on your behalf by Swansea Social Services. You may expect to receive some practical help and support in carrying out personal or household tasks without which you may find it difficult to continue to live at home.

The charges we make are a contribution to the overall cost of the care and support you receive. These charges, and the way we calculate them, are the same whether the care and support is provided by the council's Integrated Domiciliary Care Service or by an independent care agency working on behalf of the council

If you have not already had an assessment of your needs, you will first need to go through an assessment to find out if you are eligible for managed care and support at home from Social Services.

Contact the Common Access Point for an assessment Common Access Point for Health and Social Care (CAP)

The basis for charging

To ensure that the charges we make for home care are fair, we use a charging policy, based on the provisions of the Social Services and Wellbeing (Wales) Act 2014 (opens new window) including:

The charging policy is used to decide whether someone will pay:

  • nothing towards the cost of home care.
  • the full charge for their care. This is worked out according to the number of hours they get, at a rate of £23.16 per hour, up to a maximum of £100 per week.
  • part of the cost of their care, but not the full charge. The exact amount will depend on how much money they have each week, after meeting certain expenses.

For most people, we decide how much they will pay by doing a financial assessment. However, there are some people who will automatically get their care free (as long as they are eligible for the service) and will not have to have a financial assessment, these are:

  • adults with mental health problems who receive aftercare services following discharge from hospital under S117 of the Mental Health Act 1983, where the need for non-residential services has been specifically identified in the care plan.
  • adults who are diagnosed as suffering from Creuzfeldt Jacob Disease (CJD).
  • adults who are receiving care as part of a reablement package, for a maximum of 6 weeks. Note: Any time spent in a residential assessment unit would form part of the 6 week period.

The financial assessment for your care at home

Once we have assessed you as being eligible for a home care service, we will carry out a financial assessment to decide how much you will pay (except for people who are exempt).

Care at home financial assessment frequently asked questions

A list of the most frequently asked questions we get asked about the financial assessment for care at home.
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Last modified on 08 March 2024