Guidance for completing an application for outer zone street trading consent
The following guidance has been prepared to assist applicants to complete the application for street trading consent in the outer zone.
Issued consents have terms which specify the products and/or services to be sold as well as the permitted size/type and appearance of the vehicle/unit being used. These terms have been devised to ensure that street trading is coordinated and well managed in line with the business premises and events and activities taking place in area of the street trading pitch.
The terms also ensure that each permitted stall is of an appropriate quality, clean, attractive and well maintained. Ice-cream and burger vans will be considered for consent in the outer zone.
Consents can be given for a minimum of 3 months and a maximum of 12 months. The current charges for street trading are the same across all of the outer zone regardless of the location of the pitches and associated footfall.
Once an application is received, Trading Standards will seek the views of various internal departments, external agencies and stakeholders. A consultation period of 28 days is built into the process to allow for consultation with the following groups:
- South Wales Police
- Swansea Council Food Safety team
- Swansea Council Highways section
- Swansea Council Trading Standards team
- Swansea Council Planning section
- Mid and West Wales Fire Service
- Ward members for the local area.
The decision process usually takes up to 28 days from the date of an application being received by Trading Standards. This is dependent on the applicant completing the necessary paperwork and responding to any requests for further information quickly. To trade during this time without the benefit of a street trading consent is an offence which may result in you being reported for prosecution.
Outer zone street trading licence fees Outer zone street trading licence fees
The person applying for consent must:
- be 17yrs of age or over to apply or hold a consent
- complete in full the application form for city centre inner zone
- provide evidence of current public liability insurance with a minimum cover of £5 million.
- have permission to trade on the land that they are applying for
- pay the required fee
- have an up to date Police National Computer (PNC) check no older than 1 month
- play a major part in the business
- have a clear understanding of health and safety as it relates to the business.
Renewal applications
Applications to renew your consent must be accompanied by recent colour photographs (taken in the last month) of the vehicle or unit used.
If you want to renew your consent you should apply for a new PNC check 60 days before the consent expires. This allows for 30 days for the PNC to arrive and a renewal application to be completed, followed by the 28 days for the consultation process and issuing of new consent documents.
Guidance for completing a street trading consent application
Please use the following as reference when completing the application form.
1. Personal details
This section requires you to provide details of the applicant and their contact details for the consent. The consent holder must take an active part in the running of the business.
2. Proposed location of trading
We have split the county's trading areas into two separate areas, the city centre inner zone and the outer zone (all other land within the county area.)
All new applicants to trade in the outer zone must provide the exact location where you intend to trade, be it for a static pitch or mobile trading. A map indicating your proposed location is required identifying your proposed trading pitch or trading area. You must also indicate if you intend to trade on public or private land. If you plan to trade on private land you are required to obtain written permission from the landowner and submit with the application.
If you are intending to trade from a pitch, be it on public or private land, for more than 3 hours per day and for more than 28 days per year, you will be required to apply for planning permission. Evidence of applying for planning must be provided as part of your application (the name of who you have submitted your application to or date submitted). Failure to do so will delay the issuing of your consent.
3. Requested dates and times of consent
The minimum time you can apply for consent is 3 months to a maximum of 12 months. Consideration will be given to day consents to work at fêtes, carnivals or events, but the fee will be a month's fee.
You must indicate your intended days and proposed times of trading.
4. Type of goods
You must list all the type of goods to be sold. Do not be too general in listing the type of goods.
5. Method of street trading
This requires details of the type of vehicle, stall etc you intend to use together with the vehicle registration, or in the case of a catering van etc the registration of the vehicle being used to tow it. You are required to indicate the dimensions of the vehicle / or pitch either in metric or imperial measurement, but be clear which you are using when you enter the details on the application.
6. Food traders
There are specific requirements relating to the sale of food:
The legal requirement to register your food business is found in Article 6(2) of Regulation (EC) No. 852/2004 on the Hygiene of Foodstuffs.
You are required to register your food business with the local authority in whose area the vehicle is stored when not in use. You are required to state which authority you are registered with, what date you registered with them.
7. Information in support of the application
- if you hold or have held a street trading consent or licence in any other local authority, you are required to provide those details.
- detailed quantities and storage facilities of any liquefied petroleum gas or other fuel you intend to use as part of your trading is required.
- you are required to provide details of any arrangements you intend to make to prevent the discharge of solid or liquid refuse.
- if you intend to employ assistants, you are required to provide their name, address, date of birth and 2 x passport sized pictures before they start working for you for the production of an ID badge for them to be worn whilst trading.
8. Bank details
You need to provide the bank details which will be used to pay your street trading fees. If you are paying in full or on receipt of an invoice, we still require your bank details. Should you fail to make payment of your fees it will be referred to our Legal Department.
You will also be required to submit a completed Direct Debit form (Word doc, 41 KB) supplied with your street trading application.
9. Declaration
The applicant for the street trading consent is to sign and date the application.
Additional information
If you are handing in the application to the Contact Centre in the Civic Centre they will check your application. If any sections have not been completed or you have not provided all of the evidence needed then the application will be given back to you to complete. If you are sending your application by post please make sure you have all the relevant documents or proof of applying for them and a completed application form. If any sections have not been completed or you have not provided all of the evidence needed then the application will be returned to you to complete. Please post to us using the signed for option.
All new applicants need to apply for a Police National Computer check (PNC). You must apply for a Police National Computer check (PNC) online from Disclosure Scotland. A copy of the receipt provided to you when submitted your PNC to be submitted with the application and then then a copy of your PNC must be provided before consent can be issued.
Swansea Council is under a duty to protect the public funds it administers, and may use the information you have provided on this form for the prevention and detection of fraud. It may also share this information with other bodies responsible for auditing and administering public funds for these purposes. For further information, please see our National Fraud Initiative - Fair Processing notice.