Swansea Local Development Plan 2023-2038 (LDP2) Update
Your chance to help decide how Swansea should develop towards 2038
We are starting the conversation around the preparation of Swansea's new Local Development Plan (LDP) which will be the new blueprint that will set out how and where development should come forward and shape the city s future over the next decade.
LDP2 will aim to ensure the right development happens in the right place at the right time, benefitting communities and the local economy, so that adequate protection is given to our natural environment and built heritage.
We are at an important early stage and we want you views on the initial ideas that will shape the plans strategic approach. This includes deciding on the key issues, overall vision and the main objectives that will provide the building blocks to help us deliver our vision.
At this stage we have also identified different scenarios regarding the scale and type of growth that Swansea should plan for.
We would like you to consider:
Are there other key issues we need to consider?
Does our draft vision and objectives set the right framework to guide the plan?
What are your views on the proposed levels of growth?
What do you think of our potential ways to accommodate future growth?
You can find out more including visiting our exciting virtual exhibition room at (https://swansealdp2.consultation.ai/) where you can view the consultation material and have your say.
You can also view details of the consultation on the planning webpages www.swansea.gov.uk/LDP2vision where you can find further information about this key stage of the process.
If you would like to find out more please visit one of our drop in sessions at the Swansea Central Library (Discovery room) on Tuesday May 7th and Tuesday May 21st where officers will be available between 9:30am-6:30am to discuss LDP2.
For further information please contact the team at ldp@swansea.gov.uk