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Archives Copying service

Is it possible to request copies of the documents held at the West Glamorgan Archive Service?

Staff can provide photocopies for you, within copyright guidelines and providing this does not damage the document. You can also use your own camera to photograph documents, within the same guidelines. We can also provide high-quality scanned images. For more details, please contact us on

Photocopies by post: the minimum charge is £7 which pays for up to 10 copies. All further copies cost an extra 70p.
Photocopies which are ordered and collected in person in the archive searchroom cost 70p each.
See details of our fees and charges


  • We can accept payment by cheque or by postal order for UK orders.
  • All payments from abroad should be in pounds sterling, either by a cheque drawn on a British bank, or through an overseas bank with a British agent (the currency specified on the cheque being pounds sterling).
  • Payment should always be sent in advance. Please contact us for a quote before ordering.

Please note that, although we will do our best to satisfy all our searchers, our prime concern is the safety of the documents in our care, and consequently all photocopying will be at our discretion, bearing in mind the condition of the original.

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Last modified on 11 November 2024