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Apply for outer zone street trading consent

You can use this form to apply for consent to use a street trading pitch in the area outside the city centre. You will need to pay the first months fees at the same time as making this application.

Before you complete the form please make sure you have read the guidance notes.

As part of your application you will be able to upload supporting documents. These must be saved to your computer prior to uploading them.

  • If you are applying for a pitch in the outer zone, a map to indicate the proposed location (for new applications only)
  • If the pitch is on private land, written permission from the landowner is required. Written permission is required with both new and renewal applications.
  • You should also obtain planning permission for your proposed pitch. You should include the application reference number on this form.
  • Photograph of stall, vehicle etc. being used as part of your business (for new applications only)
  • Two passport sized photographs of all applicant and all assistants.
  • Copy of public liability insurance, minimum of £5million cover
  • Completed Direct Debit form. You should  download a copy of the direct debit form (Word doc, 41 KB), complete the details and save the completed form to your computer. You will be able to upload the completed form as part of this application.
  • Basic DBS check from website (for new applications only). You will need to apply to request a basic DBS check (opens new window) before making the application for a street trading licence.

All forms are available in Welsh - click on 'Cymraeg' in the top right corner of your screen.

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Last modified on 15 February 2024