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Apply to hold an event on council land or use an open space in Swansea

You should complete this form if you wish to hold an event on council owned land in Swansea, or if you wish to use council owned land or open space in Swansea for your group activity / class.

For events

Before you complete this form please check you have the following details available. You will be given the opportunity to upload any supporting documents as part of the application. Please make sure these are stored on your computer as an electronic file or scanned copy.

  • If the event organisers have previous experience in organising an event please provide details.
  • If licensable activities are to take place ie sale or supply of alcohol, regulated entertainment (music, dancing, films, plays, indoor sporting events), late night refreshment (hot food or drink 11.00pm to 5.00am) you must apply for a Temporary event notices. This should be a minimum of 10 working days before your event.
  • You must have public liability insurance to cover your event, min £5 million.
  • You must carry out a full risk assessment for the event which highlights all the potential hazards and mitigating safeguards. A copy of this risk assessment must be provided with this application.
  • You should complete and upload a site plan including entrance/ exit points, vehicle entrance/ exit points, emergency exits, water points, main location of event organiser, location of first aid personnel, location of any firefighting equipment.
  • A list of all catering and traders that will be operating should be uploaded.
  • A full fire risk assessment should also be uploaded.

For use of open spaces

We welcome applications from businesses, individuals or organised groups to use Council open spaces in order to run their classes / groups. An open spaces maybe a public park, car park, and area of hardstanding, the promenade etc.

As part of the booking process you will also be asked to provide the following:

  • Proof of public liability insurance (this must be valid for all classes / activities that take place and provide cover of no less than £5 million)
  • Proof of instructor qualification if applicable.

Each booking will last 1hour 30 minutes (1 hour session with 15 minutes either side for arrival / departure etc).

For some events you may need to apply for a Street Trading Permit.

This form is available in Welsh - click on 'Cymraeg' in the top right corner of your screen.

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Last modified on 15 February 2024