Please submit information relating to the following areas, providing as much detail as possible:
1. Environment - providing the animals with a suitable place to live and stay.
The information you provide should include details about:
• The kennel design and construction
• Exercise runs/areas
• Control of temperature in sleeping accommodation
• Provision of suitable bedding
• Fire and emergency provisions.
2. Diet - providing the animals with an appropriate diet.
The information you provide should include details about:
• The provision of fresh drinking water
• Food preparation and storage facilities
• Feeding utensils
• Monitoring of in appetent animals.
3. Behaviour - allowing the animals to express normal behaviour patterns.
The information you provide should include details about:
• Systems in place to recognise the first signs of illness or injury, stress, fear, pain or anxiety
• The control of excessive or continuous noise
• Special considerations and environmental enrichments for extended stays.
4. Company - providing the animals with the appropriate company.
The information you provide should include details about:
• Human company and interaction such as grooming, exercise, playing and petting.
5. Health and Welfare - protecting the animals from pain, suffering, injury and disease.
The information you provide should include details about:
• Your system for registering all animals kept at the establishment
• Your system of monitoring the animals for the duration of their stay
• Your procedures for controlling the spread of disease including your cleaning regime and products used
• Isolation arrangements
• Veterinary treatment and the administration of medication
• The use of holding kennels/units
• Arrangements for transporting animals.
6. Training
Please provide information on any relevant animal welfare courses or qualifications/experience, details of staff development opportunities and supervision.
When doing this please refer to the following documents:
Model licence conditions and guidance for dog boarding establishments;
Model licence conditions and guidance for cat boarding establishments.
Both documents can be viewed at: