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ALN - Specialist colleges

Specialist colleges can offer day or residential provision for students aged 16 to 25, giving young people the chance to develop skills, learn and become more independent.

There are a number of specialist colleges which are based in Wales, that are there to specifically support learners on their journey to adult life. Places at specialist colleges are only funded when young people are not able to have their identified education and training needs met through local college provision.

Beechwood College - Vale of Glamorgan (opens new window)
Cambian Pengwer College - Rhuddlan, Denbighshire (opens new window)
Coleg Elidyr - Llandovery (opens new window)
Coleg Pls Dwbl - Clynderwen, Pembrokeshire (opens new window)
Priory Colleges of North and South Wales - Wrexham and Pontypool (opens new window)

How do I know if a specialist college is right for me?

You will need to contact Careers Wales (opens new window). They will be able to assess your education and training needs. If a specialist college is identified as a provider of education and training, an application is made to Welsh Government by Careers Wales.

How do I apply to a specialist college?

Each college have their own set of requirements. For more information about their requirements, visit Careers Wales (opens new window).

Do I have to attend a specialist college?

This decision is something that you need to make with your parents / guardians and the setting you wish to attend. Each case is dealt with on an individual basis.

How are the places at specialist colleges funded?

Places at specialist colleges are only funded when young people are not able to have their identified education and training needs met through local college provision and when it has been identified that a specialist college can provide appropriate support.

How long can I attend a specialist college for?

When you attend a specialist college, places are typically for two academic years and include target-driven and person-centred outcomes that are regularly monitored.

What support is there is a specialist college?

Specialist colleges have a wide range of support available for learners. They have multi-disciplinary specialist teams and expertise, enabling students to make a successful transition to adult life.

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Last modified on 14 March 2023