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Physical and Complex Needs Team

The Physical and Complex Needs Team provides support for children / young people and their families, schools / colleges.

The team is made up of specialist teachers who provide support to pupils. Training, support and advice is also shared with schools and parents. They work with health professionals to ensure that the child / young person's specific needs are being met within the school / college.

Who works in the team?

This will depend on your child / young person's needs, as one size does not fit all. They are able to offer advice and support and work with schools / colleges and parents to ensure the child / young person's needs are identified and supported. The team can support children / young people and families during times of transition, for example, moving school.

How does my child / young person access the team?

You will need to speak to your child / young person's class teacher or Additional Learning Needs Coordinator (ALNCo). They will be able to listen to your concerns and work out next steps.

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Last modified on 17 April 2023