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Social Communication Needs Champion

The SCNC is a member of school staff who has had specialist training to offer advice and support to staff who support children / young people in their schools.

What training has the SCNC had?

The SCNC has received SCERTS training (Social Communication, Emotional Regulation, Transactional Support), the programme supports children / young people to become a competent and confident social communicator and an active learner, as well as training in Total Communication, Sensory Processing in the classroom and an introduction to Autism.

How will this help my child?

The school will be able to create targets, one-page profiles and strategies to support children and young people with difficulties surrounding social communication and speech and language.

Who can I speak to about this?

If you are concerned that your child may have speech and language difficulties, talk to your child's school. Speak to the class teacher or Additional Learning Needs Coordinator (ALNCo). They will be able to work with you to see if this is the case and work out what happens next.


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Last modified on 09 March 2023