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Early Years Additional Learning Needs Lead Officer (EY ALNLO)

Supports children under 5.

If you have any concerns with your child's development, you should contact your health visitor in the first instance. They will listen to your concerns and advise you accordingly.

If your child attends a school you can discuss your concerns with your child's class teacher, Additional Learning Needs Coordinator (ALNCo) or headteacher.

If your child attends a childcare provider you can speak to the manager or lead Additional Learning Needs practitioner about your concerns. With your consent, your childcare provider and other professionals who support your child can discuss concerns with the Early Years ALN Support and Inclusion Team.

What does the EY ALNLO do?

The EY ALNLO works closely with health visitors and monitor children below the age of 5 to identify ALN at the earliest opportunity. The EY ALNLO also works alongside the EY Support and Inclusion Team to provide support and advice for childcare settings.

What does the Early Years Support and Inclusion Team do?

The team focus on supporting early years childcare settings to identify children with a delay in their development, and make sure that the right support is in place for them at the earliest opportunity.

How will they support my child?

The focus of the EY ALNLO and the rest of the team is to help you and everyone working with your child to understand the difficulties they have and to create a positive change.

What happens when my child starts reception?

The EY ALNLO will support your child until they begin school. Once your child is registered at, and attends a school, responsibility for supporting your child passes onto the school's Additional Learning Needs Coordinator (ALNCo).

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Last modified on 09 March 2023