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ALN - British Sign Language in Swansea

British Sign Language (BSL) is a visual language with its own grammar, lexicon and linguistic structure.

It is an indigenous minority language, and deaf BSL users have their own unique Deaf culture and community. BSL is the first language of many deaf people in the UK, and here in Wales there is a unique regional BSL dialect.

Early years

Early access to BSL has been shown to have a positive impact on language development in deaf children and is an option we encourage alongside other interventions.

We provide support to parents of deaf babies or children who would like to learn BSL. Resources and support available can be accessed through your child's teacher. We also encourage parents who are learning BSL to make connections with the local Deaf community and other parents of Deaf children.

BSL in the Curriculum for Wales

The Curriculum for Wales includes guidance for schools teaching BSL. This includes BSL for Deaf learners who use BSL as their first language, as well as others learning BSL as a third or subsequent language.

Deaf learners who use BSL as their first language will follow descriptions of learning that match the expectations of English and Welsh.

The Curriculum for Wales also sets out the expectation that all learners will learn Welsh, English and at least one other language from primary school. The definition of international languages includes British Sign Language, so schools have the option to choose to teach BSL as an international language. This will be up to individual schools to decide as they design their curriculum.

For all schools teaching BSL (as a first language for deaf learners or as an international language), the BSL guidance emphasises the need for sound evidence and expertise. Developing a BSL curriculum should be a process of co-construction that considers and includes: the Deaf community, BSL tutors, teachers of the deaf, educational research, professional inquiry, shared evidence and expertise, partnership with further and higher education, and professional learning.

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Last modified on 14 March 2023