Adopt or donate a tree - terms and conditions
The current scheme allows the donation of a new tree or adoption of an existing tree by special purchase. This will be dependent upon suitable sites being available and agreed by Parks and the availability of the tree.
Terms and conditions - private customers
We will discuss both the tree species and the planting site with you. The species will depend on our suppliers stock and the site will need to be suitable for the chosen species.
For aesthetic and practical reasons, we regret that permission to install a fixed memorial plaque at the base of the tree cannot be given, however permission will be granted to suspend a memorial plaque on the actual tree.
Any wording on plaques must be agreed in advance with the council and the council will not agree to any wording of a political nature.
Trees can only be planted on suitable sites where sufficient space allows.
Tree planting will be carried out at the discretion of the council.
If a planting ceremony is required, then this can be arranged at no extra cost, during normal working hours, however prior notification will be necessary.
If your donated tree should become damaged or diseased within the first five years we will replace it with one of the same species if possible or a suitable substitute.
All trees will remain the property of Swansea Council.
Please note that the council will not take responsibility for stolen, malicious or animal damage to donated trees.
No adornments, for example, flowers, at any time shall be attached or deposited on or near the donated tree / shrub or surrounding area.
The applicant is advised to meet on site with the relevant Parks Officer to confirm the preferred location of the donated tree prior to submission of the application.
Swansea Council reserves the right to decline any application for the donation or adoption of a tree.
Swansea Council will not allow the scattering of cremated remains.
Applications will only be accepted upon receipt of payment.
Swansea Council keeps a 'register of donations' which includes details of the donor's name, address, telephone number and the location of the tree (no charge is made for register entries) and applicants are advised to keep the council informed of any change of address during the term of the dedication. The register is not displayed on the council's website.
Trees will usually be planted during January / February.
We will do everything we can to ensure your tree becomes successfully established in its new location, including watering and formative pruning as appropriate. This special care is usually necessary for the first couple of years after planting and donations are calculated to include this as well as the cost of planting and staking. After establishment, we will continue to carry out any necessary maintenance work at no additional cost.
Terms and conditions - businesses / organisations
All costs are including VAT.
We will discuss both the tree species and the planting site with you. The species will depend on our suppliers stock and the site will need to be suitable for the chosen species.
For aesthetic and practical reasons, we regret that permission to install a fixed memorial plaque at the base of the tree cannot be given, however permission will be granted to suspend a memorial plaque on the actual tree.
Any wording on plaques must be agreed in advance with the council and the council will not agree to any wording of a political nature.
Trees can only be planted on suitable sites where sufficient space allows.
Tree planting will be carried out at the discretion of the council.
If a planting ceremony is required, then this can be arranged at no extra cost during normal working hours, however prior notification will be necessary.
If your donated tree should become damaged or diseased within the first five years we will replace it with one of the same species if possible or a suitable substitute.
All trees will remain the property of Swansea Council.
Please note that the council will not take responsibility for stolen, malicious or animal damage to donated trees.
No adornments, for example, flowers, at any time shall be attached or deposited on or near the donated tree / shrub or surrounding area.
The applicant is advised to meet on site with the relevant Parks Officer to confirm the preferred location of the donated tree prior to submission of the application.
Swansea Council reserves the right to decline any application for the donation or adoption of a tree.
Swansea Council will not allow the scattering of cremated remains.
Applications will only be accepted upon receipt of payment.
Swansea Council keeps a 'register of donations' which includes details of the donor's name, address, telephone number and the location of the tree (no charge is made for register entries) and applicants are advised to keep the council informed of any change of address during the term of the dedication. The register is not displayed on the council's website.
Trees will usually be planted during January / February.
We will do everything we can to ensure your tree becomes successfully established in its new location, including watering and formative pruning as appropriate. This special care is usually necessary for the first couple of years after planting and donations are calculated to include this as well as the cost of planting and staking. After establishment, we will continue to carry out any necessary maintenance work at no additional cost.