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About your Council Tax

What is Council Tax, how much will your bill be and where is that money spent.

What is Council Tax and who has to pay it?

Council Tax is a tax based on occupation and/or ownership of domestic property and in the Swansea area is levied and collected by our Council.

How much is my Council Tax?

The amount of Council Tax you have to pay is based on the Council Tax valuation band value into which your property is placed and the number of adults who live there.

Virtual Council Tax bill

Find out your Council Tax based on where you live and what band your property falls into.

Annual bill information

Details of the annual Council Tax charges for Swansea in the current financial year and information about how the Council Tax is spent.

Sole or main residence

For Council Tax purposes you are considered to live at your 'sole or main residence'.

Appeal against your Council Tax

If you don't agree with the amount that you have been charged for your Council Tax you can appeal.

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Last modified on 15 March 2022