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How the authority monitors the Welsh Language Standards

Method and actions.


How the authority monitors the Welsh Language Standards
Corporate complaintsCorporate complaints that relate to the provision of services and which involve the Welsh language and / or are made in the Welsh language are logged as such on the corporate complaints along with complaints received from the Welsh Language Commissioner.Ongoing and recorded in the annual report.
HR DepartmentIdentify workplaces and posts where the ability to speak Welsh is an essential or a desirable requirement (using the Welsh Language Skills Strategy and Assessment Tool).As posts are assessed, for example due to vacancies.
Champions meetingsAny concerns from sections are brought to the Champions meetings for action along with concerns that need to be disseminated by the Welsh Language Officer to staff. Emails to Champions also go to all Heads of Service.Meetings every 2-3 months and email contact more frequently.
Council's web pagesAudit of all public web pages.6 monthly
Social mediaMonitoring of Twitter and Facebook posts.Ongoing
TelephoneInternal monitoring by Welsh Language Officer and Managers, for example, telephone being answered in Welsh. Answer machines having Welsh messages. Staff on receptions speaking Welsh.Ongoing
SoftwareMonitoring software which complies with standards across departments. 
ProcurementConsideration of the Welsh Language in the tendering process. 
Welsh Language training

Monitor the number and percentage of staff who have received training in Welsh to specific standards across the authority and according to departments and directorates.

Monitor numbers who have completed Welsh Awareness e-learning courses.

Equality Impact AssessmentsInclusion of the Welsh Language in the Equality Impact Assessment process to ensure that due regard is given to the language in relation to all the authority's main decisions.Every EIA screening / full EIA report - ongoing.


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Last modified on 05 October 2022