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Bid now for Summer of Fun grants

COMMUNITY groups and organisations across Swansea are being urged to help make it a summer of fun for children and young people in our communities.

Summer of fun

Summer of fun

Grants of up to £10,000 are on offer to voluntary and community groups, who've got bright ideas to help children and young people enjoy their summer break.

People organising events and activities for children and young people, or looking to get useful equipment for their club or local community group can apply for the cash on offer from Swansea Council and the Welsh Government.

But the deadline for applications is June 8 and all activities, goods or services must have been delivered by 30 September.

The Summer of Fun programme is being funded across Wales by the Welsh Government and is being run by local authorities to provide a range of free play, leisure, recreational, sporting and cultural activities for children and young people aged up to 25. 

Alyson Pugh, Cabinet Member for Wellbeing, said: "Our Summer of Fun plan for Swansea looks to our community groups, play projects, sports clubs, libraries, uniformed groups, third sector groups and anyone who can offer activities for children and young people up to 25 to contact us to let us know how they can contribute."

Deputy Minister for Social Services Julie Morgan said: "Activities funded through the Summer of Fun will provide opportunities to support the social, emotional and physical health and wellbeing of our young people."

Grant applications are particularly welcomed from groups working with children up to the age of seven who may be struggling to meet development milestones and those who think their activities will help provide a boost for the physical, emotional and mental wellbeing of young people.

Applications can also be made by groups or organisations who want to expand their existing programmes or use the grant to help secure continuation of current projects throughout the summer.

To apply complete the link:

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Last modified on 01 June 2022