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Inclusive primary school is welcoming and vibrant

St Helen's Primary School in Swansea is vibrant, welcoming and highly inclusive, inspectors from Estyn have found.

St Helen's Estyn 2024

St Helen's Estyn 2024

They visited the school in Sandfields earlier this year and have now published their report.

Their report states: "The school's motto, "All different, all equal", is evident in every aspect of its provision. 

"The diverse faiths, languages and cultures of the community the school serves are embraced and celebrated, and staff and pupils treat each other with friendliness, empathy and respect.

"Pupils enjoy coming to school and make good progress in their learning and well-being. They feel safe, well cared for and valued and this helps them to become confident and capable learners. 

"Staff exude compassion and empathy. They carry out their work in a confident and enthusiastic manner that helps them to develop strong relationships with pupils and parents."

Inspectors said headteacher Nicola Fredrickson provides determined and compassionate leadership that helps staff, pupils and their families to succeed. The senior leadership team and governing body work together well to ensure that they fully understand the school's strengths and areas for improvement.

The report adds: "The school benefits from a strong team of dedicated and skilled teachers and teaching assistants who work diligently to help the pupils in their care. Teachers plan interesting lessons that enable pupils to develop a good range of skills.

"School staff are skilled at providing effective support to pupils with additional learning needs (ALN) and the many pupils who speak English as an additional language.

"There is a very strong culture of wellbeing and safeguarding which permeates the whole school and ensures that pupils and their families are well cared for at all times."

It also highlighted the good links the school has with its local community and the range of after-school clubs available, both of which provide pupils with excellent opportunities to learn new skills and embrace new experiences.

Mrs Fredrickson said: "It is very pleasing that the inspectors have recognised all the hard work that is done by staff, our pupils and their families to make our school the happy learning and caring community it is. 

"I hope they are as proud of this report as I am and I pass on my sincere thanks to them all."

Swansea Council's Cabinet Member for Education, Robert Smith, said: "This is yet another very pleasing report from Estyn highlighting many positive achievements at St Helen's Primary."

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Last modified on 08 May 2024