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SAGB - the Constitution for the Association

Swansea Association of Governing Bodies, Constitution for the Association.

1. Title

The name of this group shall be 'Swansea Association of Governing Bodies (SAGB)'.

2. Objectives of The Association

a)  To promote best practice in school governance across all governing bodies within Swansea local authority;

b)  To promote partnerships amongst governing bodies across the LA;

c)  To represent governors' views on issues relating to school governance and the management and resourcing of schools to relevant authorities and organisations;

d)  To work closely with the local authority's Governor Support Unit to promote the competence and effectiveness of governors, to facilitate the exchange of ideas and to provide opportunities for the pooling of common experience;

e)  To gain a greater understanding and knowledge beyond the LA boundary;

f)  To use the association as a representative to all Wales gatherings.

3. Activities

In furtherance of its objectives, the Governors' Association shall:

a)  As a minimum, hold two meetings per academic year; one of which will be the Annual General Meeting (AGM) which will usually be held in the autumn term;

b)  Liaise with officers of the local authority on all matters concerning the objectives of the association and those issues affecting school governance;

c)  Promote and encourage governor training organised by the LA and others;

d)  Respond to any consultation documents issued by Welsh Government on matters affecting school governance;

e)  Encourage representation on the Governors' Association from all school governing bodies within the authority;

f)  Network with other Governor Associations to share good practice;

g)  Co-opt members from time to time (without voting powers), as deemed necessary by the members, for the Association to fulfil its role effectively;

h)  Invite speakers from the local authority and elsewhere to inform the members of issues relevant to school governance and encourage communication on these issues; and

i)  Carry out any other activities consistent with the objectives that have benefit to school governance throughout Swansea.

4. Membership

Membership of the Governors' Association will be available to every school governing body within Swansea. Governing bodies should nominate one of their number (excluding the headteacher) to represent them at meetings of the Association.

The Director of Education, or their representative, will have a standing invitation to attend all meetings of the Association.

Governing bodies who are members of the Association agree to pay a nominal amount per annum as a membership fee. The current fee is £10 per governing body per annum. This fee will be debited from the individual school budget by the LA and deposited directly into the Governors' Association's own bank account. A review of the membership fee will be considered each year at the AGM.

5. Officers

a)  Chair and Vice-chair

At the AGM the office of Chair and Vice-chair of the Governors' Association will be decided by those members present in person. The term of office for Chair and Vice-chair shall be two years from the date of the AGM.

b)  Treasurer

The Treasurer of the Association will be elected at the AGM. The Treasurer must be a serving member of the Governors' Association.

c)  Secretary

The Secretary of the Association will be appointed by the Management Committee. An honorarium / expenses payment will be provided for undertaking this role.

d)  Administration

The LA will provide administrative assistance in terms of venues for meetings, distributing agendas and minutes etc. until such time as the Governors' Association wishes to change that arrangement.

6. Quorum and voting for meetings of the Governors' Association

The quorum required at Governors' Association meetings in order for decisions made to be valid shall be the representation of no fewer than THIRTY governing bodies. Where an individual governor sits on more than one governing body, and providing the individual governing bodies have nominated that governor to represent them, that governor may represent both governing bodies at the same time at Association meetings and be eligible to vote per governing body.

The requirement for any vote will be by a show of hands of those present only. The Chair and Vice chair will be permitted to vote along with other members. In the event of an equal number of votes the Chair will have a further casting vote.

7. The annual election of officers

Nominations for the office of Chair and Vice-chair will be sought before the AGM and a closing date will be given for receipt of nominations. Every member of the Association will be entitled to nominate themselves. Where there is more than one nomination a vote will take place in accordance with point 6 above. Members subsequently elected will take office for the prescribed period.

8. Amendments to the Constitution

Amendments to the Constitution may only be made at a meeting of the Governors' Association where the item has been clearly placed on the agenda and circulated to all Chair and Clerks to Governors at least fourteen days in advance of the meeting.

9. The role of the Chair

a)  To ensure adherence to the Constitution of the Governors' Association;

b)  To liaise with LA officers and approve the agenda for each meeting;

c)  To ensure that meetings are conducted efficiently and effectively;

d)  To act as a spokesperson, when required, on behalf of the Governors' Association;

e)  To ensure that relevant documents and information impacting on the effectiveness of the Association are shared with the members in good time;

f)  To work with other members of the Association and LA officers to ensure continuity and effectiveness of the Association; and

10. The role of the Vice-chair

a)  To support the chair in facilitating meetings;

b)  To help the chair in any follow-up actions agreed in meetings;

c)  To consult with the chair and LA officers on any matters that impact on the effectiveness of the Association; and

d)  To manage meetings effectively and efficiently in the absence of the chair.

11. Role of the Secretary

a)  To assist the chair or, in the chair's absence, the vice-chair in managing the timely preparation and distribution of documentation and information relevant to association meetings at least fourteen days in advance of each meeting; and

b)  To accurately record the minutes of meetings and ensure they are distributed to attendees of meetings in a timely way.

12. Role of the Treasurer

a)  To efficiently and effectively manage any monies owed by or owed to other parties;

b)  To issue cheques on behalf of the Association. All cheques must contain two authorised signatories of the Association; and

c)  To produce a financial report at the AGM and the balance of monies owned or owed by the Governors' Association.

13. Management Committee

a)  At the AGM a Management Committee will be appointed comprising of nine members of the Governors' Association;

b)  The Chair and Vice-chair and Treasurer of the Governors' Association shall automatically be a member of the Management Committee and occupy three of the nine positions. The Chair of the Association shall also be the Chair of the Management Committee;

c)  The Management Committee will assist with the determination of suitable agenda items for the main Association meetings; devise strategies and activities to advance the aims of the Association and ensure effective and efficient communication takes place with individual governing bodies via their nominated member of the Association;

d)  The Management Committee will determine the frequency of its own meetings, however, in general there will be two meetings a year; and

e)  The quorum required at the Management Committee shall be a minimum of five members.


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Last modified on 31 January 2023