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Pupils at happy school have positive attitudes to learning

Pupils at Pontybrenin Primary feel cared for and supported and have very positive attitudes towards their learning, inspectors from Estyn have found.

Pontybrenin Primary Estyn Report 2024

Pontybrenin Primary Estyn Report 2024

They said: "The pupils, staff and parents are proud of the happy, friendly ethos in the school.

"The homely feel and warm welcome make visitors feel a part of the school community quickly."

Inspectors visited the school in Gorseinon earlier this year and have now published their report.

It states: "Nearly all pupils' behaviour is excellent and their respect for one another and to all adults is a strength.

"They are considerate, especially courteous and show respect to their friends and adults. They love coming to school and talk enthusiastically about school life."

Inspectors said the school has a purposeful curriculum providing the pupils with interesting opportunities and teachers use worthwhile authentic experiences to engage most pupils in lessons.

Most pupils make good progress in developing their literacy and numeracy skills and apply them purposefully in other areas of learning. Across the school, most pupils' oracy skills in English are a strength.

The report adds headteacher Phil Williams provides strong and passionate leadership and is supported purposefully by the staff and governors. They promote a robust culture of safeguarding.

Leaders know the school well and share a clear and robust vision to support pupils' well-being and to develop them as lifelong learners.

The school has an effective partnership with parents and the wider community.

Mr Williams said: "Our pupils, staff, families, governors and the wider community deserve huge credit for this inspection report.

"I'm so pleased that inspectors found their visit to our school so positive and recognised so much of the good work at our school."

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Last modified on 25 July 2024