Excellent inspection ends school year on a high
Pupils and staff at Parkland Primary have ended the school year on a high following the publication of an excellent inspection report.

A team from Estyn visited them earlier this year and have found it is a happy and vibrant school where pupils thrive.
The report states: "The school is highly inclusive ensuring that all pupils including those with additional learning needs (ALN) feel safe, happy and ready to learn.
"This develops pupils' passion for learning and determination to succeed. As a result, nearly all pupils make strong progress in their learning from their individual starting points. "Across the school, pupils' behaviour is exemplary. They forge positive relationships with their peers and adults alike and demonstrate high levels of respect for one another's cultures."
Inspectors highlighted the school provides a wide variety of exciting and innovative learning experiences that develop pupils' skills effectively and promote a love of learning.
The approach to developing pupils' ability to continuously improve the quality of their work is particularly effective.
The report adds: "Staff support the well-being of the whole community successfully.
"There are strong relationships with parents and families and the school provides an effective range of support, often in collaboration with several outside agencies.
"The work of the school's specialist teaching facility 'Y Bont Fawr' is particularly effective. Pupils are fully included in the life of the school and nearly all make strong progress."
Inspectors said leadership at the school is "outstanding" and "exemplary" with headteacher Anne Lloyd being ably supported by two extremely capable deputy headteachers and a team of effective phase leaders, working alongside a dedicated governing body.
Mrs Lloyd said: "I'm very proud of our school and delighted that inspectors have recognised all the hard work that is done every day by our staff, our pupils and their families."