Local Development Plan 2 - Vision, objectives and options for growth
Identifying the key issues , opportunities and challenges facing Swansea, and defining a vision, objectives and options for growth will set the strategic agenda for LDP2.
Key issues
A key starting point for LDP is to try and build consensus on the key strategic issues that the plan should seek to address. These may be challenges confronting Swansea for LDP2 to rise to, or perhaps opportunities that the plan should capitalise on to deliver positive impacts. The starting point is to reflect on the Well Being Plan for Swansea, which identifies a diverse set of issues grouped under well being goals. We have built further on these and produced a comprehensive set of key issues that recognises the social, economic, cultural, and environmental aspects that development can influence.
Bringing the issues together we need to think about what our ultimate aspiration is for how we want Swansea to look in 2038. In developing the vision we have sought to ensure consistency with the Well Being Plan and the Council's Corporate Plan, as well as reflecting on what is presented in the current LDP. We want the vision to be ambitious and deliverable, describing the distinctive attributes of Swansea as a place, and highlighting priority matters consistent with the 'One Swansea' focus of the Well Being Plan.
To help the deliver the vision, we need to set the main objectives covering the economic, social, environmental and cultural issues. Read together with the vision, these objectives should set a clear context from which the strategy for LDP2 will be formulated. The objectives of the current Swansea LDP have been comprehensively reviewed to inform these proposed new objectives.
Scenarios for future scale of growth
One of the most important decisions to make at the outset of LDP2 is to resolve what is the most appropriate and likely scenario for the scale of growth in Swansea. We have been undertaking a comprehensive review of the evidence on potential levels of population growth and anticipated needs for new homes and jobs over the period to 2038. This work has produced scenarios for numbers of new homes and jobs that the new plan needs to provide for, which in turn will influence the amount of land that will need to be available for residential and business development.
We have worked with expert analysts to produce a range of economic and population forecasts based on the use of different data sets. The four scenarios show a range of potential homes and jobs to be provided for each year.
Potential spatial approaches to growth
Alongside making decisions around the scale of future growth in Swansea we start to start thinking about the general approach to where development should be focussed to deliver that growth. We have referred to these as spatial approaches and a number have been developed in the context of the key issues and having regard to Swansea's distinct geography. They present different ways to meet the scale of growth considered appropriate and to contribute to delivery of the emerging vision and objectives.
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Consultation closed
A public consultation on the draft key issues, vision, objectives, and options for growth for LDP2 was carried out during April - June 2024.
As part of this consultation, the council consulted on a
'Starting The Conversation' consultation document (PDF)
[3MB], together with technical papers on the
key issues, vision, and objectives (PDF)
[1MB], and the
growth scenarios and spatial approaches (PDF)
[4MB]. The virtual consultation room is still available to view but comments are no longer being accepted.
The council are considering the comments received as part of ongoing work to produce the draft 'LDP2 Preferred Strategy', which is expected for consultation towards the end of 2024.