June 2024 press releases
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Veteran's Village set for Wales Airshow
Some of Britain's top airborne displays are set to delight crowds at the Wales Airshow on July 6 and 7.

Wales Airshow: Temporary road changes
A range of temporary road changes will ensure that tens of thousands of people can enjoy this year's Wales Airshow safely.
Dylan Thomas Exhibition in running for national award
Swansea's Dylan Thomas Exhibition has earned a spot on the shortlist as best small museum category in the Kids in Museums Awards 2024.
Join us for Armed Forces Day on June 29
This Saturday is UK Armed Forces Day. We'll be marking the occasion with a special ceremony at the Guildhall Rotunda at 11am to raise the Welsh Armed Forces Day Flag.

Young musicians get chance to try jazz
Young musicians from mid and south-west Wales are being invited to take part in a free jazz workshop with Pete Long and the Eddie Gripper Trio.
Learn to save a life at Wales National Pool
WALES National Pool Swansea is offering lifesaving and learn-to-swim courses ahead of a busy summer when thousands traditionally flock to our beaches to enjoy the sun and a swim.

Grants available for school summer holiday food initiatives
Funding is available for organisations supporting families that are struggling with the extra costs over the summer school holiday when they do not have access to free school meals.

Men's Sheds can now apply for funding
Grants totalling £25,000 are now available to support existing Men's Sheds in Swansea and also the development of new ones.

Funding available to tackle food poverty
A new round of capital only funding is available to support charities, community groups and other organisations that tackle food poverty and food insecurity in Swansea.
Last modified on 29 June 2024