July 2022 press releases

Council to invest in a bigger green fleet
SWANSEA Council's plans to operate a new generation of electric vehicles are heading for the fast lane.
Join our cleansing team and help keep Swansea tidy
Swansea Council is launching a major recruitment campaign that'll boost its front-line cleansing teams and make sure every ward gets the chance for a spruce-up.

Green flag awarded to Swansea parks
Six of Swansea's main parks have been awarded Green Flag status, recognising the vital role they play in boosting residents' wellbeing and improving the natural environment.

Coastal route upgrade in Gower keeps walkers on the right path
Walkers have been flocking back to a brand new stretch of coast path which has been completed along the Gower coastline.

Free event to celebrate National Playday
Swansea will be celebrating National Playday with a fun free event with lots going on for children and young people to enjoy.

Contractor appointed to deliver £7m indoor sports barn
A local contractor has been appointed to deliver a £7m project to transform sports and community facilities on the east side of Swansea which will also benefit the wider region.

Swansea schools receive new cycling equipment
Hundreds of primary school children in Swansea have been gifted cycling equipment as part of a drive to get more people cycling in the city.

Music weekend set to continue brilliant summer of entertainment
Swansea's amazing summer of entertainment is set to continue with a fantastic weekend line-up of top class music.

Summer of fun is underway in city
A summer of fun has kicked-off in Swansea with activities to keep children and young people fit, healthy and happy already underway.

Stay safe near water, visitors urged
VISITORS and residents alike are being urged to stay safe around our coasts and rivers this summer.

Headteacher receives MBE from Prince William
The headteacher of a primary school in Swansea has been to Buckingham Palace this month to receive an MBE from Prince William.

Investment plan approval worth millions to South West Wales
Improving urban and rural communities, supporting small businesses and boosting people's skills are among the key themes of a new plan to unlock funding worth nearly £138m to South West Wales over the next three years.
Last modified on 24 February 2023