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Young musicians get chance to try jazz

Young musicians from mid and south-west Wales are being invited to take part in a free jazz workshop with Pete Long and the Eddie Gripper Trio.

Eddie Gripper

Eddie Gripper

The workshop, supported by Swansea Music, will be held on Saturday 15 June from 1.30pm in the Ocean Room at the National Waterfront Museum in Swansea and is open to young people learning music at grade 5 or higher.

An integral part of the Swansea International Jazz Festival, the workshop enables participants to learn about the different instruments used in jazz music, how to improvise, and play in an ensemble.

Leading the workshop will be Pete Long and the Eddie Gripper Trio. Pete Long is a veteran of jazz education with over 15 years' experience, including a spell at Ronnie Scott's, where he devised the syllabus for their 'Big Band in a Day' outreach programme. Eddie Gripper is an experienced educator, who's tuition practice is geared towards those studying Grade 5 or higher. He's also a composer and one of the UK's most exciting young jazz musicians.

Swansea Music, a Swansea Council service delivering music lessons to pupils across the city, is delighted to be able to present this National Music Service of Wales 'Live Experiences' opportunity for young musicians from Swansea and neighbouring counties of Neath Port Talbot, Carmarthenshire, Pembrokeshire, Ceredigion, Powys, and beyond.

Head of Swansea Music, Karin Jenkins said: "It's great to be able to collaborate with the organisers of this year's Swansea International Jazz Festival, providing pupils from across mid and west Wales the opportunity to make music with experienced jazz musicians, like Pete Long, Eddie Gripper, and his trio.

"The jazz workshop is a great way for children and young people to learn about the different instruments used in jazz music, how to improvise and play in a band. It's also a great opportunity to meet other jazz musicians and make new friends."

The jazz workshop is suitable for pupils of Grade 5 standard, and is free to attend, but registration is required. To register, please visit the festival website at

Swansea International Jazz Festival runs from Thursday 13 to Monday 17 June, and features a selection of top international jazz musicians performing in a series of six concerts, alongside a programme of fringe events including over 30 free gigs in local café bars, clubs, and pubs. The festival is just one of the many events lined-up in Swansea this summer, for more information and tickets, please visit

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Last modified on 12 June 2024