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Childcare and Early Years Capital Grant Scheme 2024 / 2025 - Terms and conditions

Terms and conditions of the grant.

Terms of reference:

'the Group' refers to the group bound by these terms and conditions and receiving the grant;

'the Project' refers to the project in respect of which this grant was applied for and agreed to as detailed in the group's application form (as may be varied by these terms and conditions);

'the Fund' means the Childcare and Early Years Capital Grant Scheme 2024-2025 and shall where appropriate include reference to the Assessment Panel, authorised employees and agents of the grant schemes.


1. In general

a)  The Group in receipt of funds from the Childcare and Early Years Capital Grant Scheme 2024-2025 will be expected to formally accept the offer in writing (email is acceptable) and must also sign up to the terms and conditions.

b)  In accepting funds from the Childcare and Early Years Capital Grant Scheme 2024-2025 the group are agreeing to committing to provide childcare places for a minimum of 5 years from the date the grant funding is paid.

c)  If the Group decides not to accept children being funded via Welsh Government funded programme, then it will be liable to repay all or part of the Childcare and Early Years Capital Grant. This will not apply if the applicant can clearly demonstrate that they would welcome children under these programmes but there is no capacity.

d)  The grant must be used exclusively for the Project and only by the Group and only in accordance with the details in the application form (and these terms and conditions). If the offer differs from details in your application variations are set out in your offer letter.

e)  No changes to the Project or its implementation may be made without prior consent in writing of the Fund.

f)  If the grant has been made for the purchase of equipment or other assets, the group will complete an asset register and may not sell those assets without prior permission of the Fund.

g)  The grant will not be increased in the event of an over-spend on the Project.

h)  The grant must be shown separately as a restricted fund in the Group's annual accounts and not included under general funds. The Group does NOT need to open a new bank / building society account.

i)  The grant money must be spent, and any works completed before 31 March 2025.

j)  If the Group spends less than the entire grant on the Project, the unspent amount must be returned to the Fund promptly.

k)  Awarding a grant for a feasibility study or pilot project does not represent any commitment by the Fund to award a grant for any subsequent project.

l)  The Group must not without written agreement of the Fund change its constitution as regards its purposes, or any other significant change, during the period of grant.

m)  No expenditure incurred prior to the date of the offer letter can be paid for out of the grant, unless agreed by the Project.

n)  The Group must inform us of any offers of funding for the Project received from anyone else that duplicates the funding providing by Childcare and Early Years Capital Grant Scheme 2024-2025.

o)  The Fund is not liable for losses arising from any delays in making grant payments.

p)  Any fees incurred where capital works are not agreed will be the responsibility of the Project and will not be accepted as a charge to the Group and / or Childcare and Early Years Capital Grant Scheme 2024-2025.

2. Publicity

a)  The Fund being provided by the Welsh Government must be acknowledged in any literature and social media correspondence such as newsletters and the relevant Welsh Government branding should be used.

b)  The Group must acknowledge support of this grant in its annual report and accounts that cover the period of this project.

c)  The Group should acknowledge support by the Fund in any articles, publicity or press releases that refer to the Project.

d)  Any publication financed or part-financed by the Fund should contain acknowledgement of support by the Fund.

e)  Where possible logos should be included for the Welsh Government and Swansea Council (available on request). If this is not possible for good reason the Group should include the following statement:

'This (project / group / publication) is / was supported by 'Childcare and Early Years Capital Grant Scheme 2024-2025'

f)  The Group should keep a record of all publicity documents, press releases, reports etc. as evidence.

g)  The Fund may use the name of the Group and its Project in the Fund's publicity materials. We will be sensitive to situations where confidentiality is a particular issue.

3. Monitoring

a)  The Group must retain all documents relating to the grant award for at least seven years. Relevant documents may include invoices, photos, proof of payment, receipts, bank statements, other supporting documentation to identify all expenditure claimed on the project.

b)  The Group will monitor the success of the Project against agreed targets and complete regular monitoring forms including an End of Grant form. The forms will be supplied by the Fund.

c)  The Group must supply copies of receipts or other proof of purchase for the total value of the grant award that show how the grant has been used. These are to be submitted with the completed monitoring forms.

d)  The Group may be asked to provide further financial or other information to help the Fund monitor and evaluate the project and its grant programme.

e)  The Group must be aware that monitoring information supplied will be shared via the councils internal reporting systems, including Scrutiny and Council, these are public meetings therefore information supplied will be in the public domain and may be picked up by media outlets.

4. Payment of grant

a)  Payment of the grant will be made via BACS system.

b)  Payment can only be made into a bank account or building society account bearing the Group's name.

5. When grant payment will be made

a)  Depending on the award amount and complexity of proposal, the Fund, will decide if payment will be made in advance, or in instalments.

b)  Arrangements for payment of grants will only be made on receiving signed terms and conditions of any award.

6. Circumstances in which a grant may be withheld or have to be repaid (at the Fund's discretion)

a)  If there is any breach of any of these terms and conditions.

b)  If the application form was completed dishonestly, incorrectly, or misleadingly.

c)  If the Group ceases to operate, is dissolved or insolvent, or is put into administration or receivership or liquidation, or an arrangement is made with its creditors.

d)  If the Group fails to complete the Project within the agreed time period.

e)  If members of the governing body, volunteers or staff of the Group have acted dishonestly or negligently in respect of their work for the Group at any time during the Project period.

f)  If the Group is found not to be taking positive steps to ensure equal opportunities in its own employment practices and delivery of and access to its services.

g)  If the Group is found to be not acting in accordance with its own stated and supplied policies.

h)  If the Group receives duplicate funding from any other source for the same Project.

i)  If the group fail to supply monitoring information when requested.

7. Special conditions

Any special conditions are detailed in the accompanying offer of grant letter.

8. Duration of this grant agreement

The terms and conditions of this grant agreement will prevail and remain in force as follows:

  • So long as any grant funds remain unspent.
  • Until a satisfactory end of grant form has been received.

In the case of capital assets acquired with the aid of grant funds, for the normal usable life of the asset concerned.

Any fees incurred where capital works are not agreed will be the responsibility of the setting and / or school and will not be accepted as a charge to the capital programme and no funding made available.



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Last modified on 15 March 2024