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Archives - The Mayor's Fund

Following the arrival of the children at Sketty Park House, the mayor of Swansea, Richard Henry, launched the Swansea Spanish Refugee Children Relief Fund.

Mayors fund right
It would cost 13s 6d. to feed and clothe one child per week. Therefore, to maintain the children for about 40 weeks it was estimated that the relief fund would need to raise over £2,000. To this end the mayor sent out 600 letters appealing for support and assistance.

Mayors fund left
In the weeks that followed money was raised from all sections of the community.

The Swansea Rotary Club donated £100. The Swansea Labour Association donated £20 a fortnight.  Among the largest benefactors in Swansea were the nonconformist chapels who donated the proceeds of their Sunday plate collections.

Donations were collected from meetings on the beach and from the crowds who thronged the streets during the King's royal visit to Swansea on 14th July 1937.

It was also decided to open Sketty Park House to visitors on Saturdays and Sundays.

These visits served two purposes. First, it was another opportunity to collect donations from well-wishers, and second, it helped to keep the plight of the refugee children in the public eye.

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Last modified on 30 June 2022